I second that. I have met a number of devs who are not idiots, have good analytical thinking, but refuse using frameworks, libraries, etc. The result is unmaintainable code base, which no one wants to maintain, and re-writing is too expensive so the business owner is, well, fucked.
The majority of the Web apps is CRUD + a bit of logic. It makes much more sense to use a framework because 1) most of the things are already there 2) easier to maintain for someone from outside 3) and, most importantly, very few developers have skills to create a nice, maintainable design, accompanied with a useful documentation.
Yes, in ideal world, maybe you should be able to stay framework-less (just made that word up) but the world isn't ideal. We have to sacrifice philosophical ideals for the business because that's what pays the living.
In rare cases, when the app is much more than a simple CRUD, it might make sense to ditch frameworks... But it's very, very rare.
The majority of the Web apps is CRUD + a bit of logic. It makes much more sense to use a framework because 1) most of the things are already there 2) easier to maintain for someone from outside 3) and, most importantly, very few developers have skills to create a nice, maintainable design, accompanied with a useful documentation.
Yes, in ideal world, maybe you should be able to stay framework-less (just made that word up) but the world isn't ideal. We have to sacrifice philosophical ideals for the business because that's what pays the living.
In rare cases, when the app is much more than a simple CRUD, it might make sense to ditch frameworks... But it's very, very rare.