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Nice, yeah let's make a Flash IDE in a browser, which will compile results into a real .swf, which will then play in an HTML5-based Flash player on any device. Maybe support of a few things like rtmfp protocol will be tricky, but who cares.

that would be too funny :)

but people do all kinds of crazy stuff these days, like running linux in a browser under x86 emulator written in js.

so animatron tech is very very conservative from that perspective :)

I am serious about this. A lot of good stuff is written for Actionscript, all sorts of libraries etc., years worth of good work of many good people. It's just not fair to trash all that effort just because Apple has a tooth on Adobe.

Even without rtmfp, or even without rtmp, that will be very valuable.

oh, well, I thought it was an irony :)

anyway for now our plans in terms of flash do not go beyond exporting to swf.

Why don't add actionscript, at least with limitations?

supporting actionscript by itself without implementing the whole flash model does not make much sense. most of the existing actionscript code use it one way or another.

and implementing flash model is a very serious undertaking.

Someone has to do it, anyways, and you guys are closer to there than anyone else out here. Flash is great but it is stuck between egos of business guys.

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