> While the download itself is served using https (from amazon), curl will contact the google url shortener using HTTP.
Whoever wrote the installation instructions here should take a page from Sublime Package Control's installation instructions:
> The download will be done over HTTP instead of HTTPS due to Python standard library limitations, however the file will be validated using SHA-256.
> WARNING: Please do not redistribute the install code via another website. [Because of the embedded SHA-256 digest, the installation code] will change with every release. Instead, please link to this page.
Whoever wrote the installation instructions here should take a page from Sublime Package Control's installation instructions:
> The download will be done over HTTP instead of HTTPS due to Python standard library limitations, however the file will be validated using SHA-256.
> WARNING: Please do not redistribute the install code via another website. [Because of the embedded SHA-256 digest, the installation code] will change with every release. Instead, please link to this page.
[1] https://sublime.wbond.net/installation