Off topic but looking at the map, it validates the old libertarian axiom that the more liberties, the more prosperous the economy, the more donations for utilitarian causes.
Or if not the poor, then the people with extra time on their hands and means to create compelling videos for interesting projects, and if not to feed anyone, then to allow allow them to work on creating something people with disposible income find interesting enough to sponsor as an artistic project or product pre-order. But yeah. Freedom and luxury lets some people and society accumulate disposible income and focus it on discretionary products. A billion dollars by 5.7 million people is $350 per person. Great that 0.1% (5.7 million people) have that kind of cash. Doesn't say much about whether 99.9% of people have any, or show that those $350 are a worthwhile cause for the 99.9% of people who aren't donating.
This isn't to take anything away from Kickstarter - I think it's great. But let's have some perspective.
Who will feed the poor? Liberty will.