This seems to happen a lot after a certain half life - all of the little quirky personality-showing additions get stripped over time in projects like this. Even happens in code comments too.
Things slip through the cracks and go to production, and then everyone complains and then things with too much color get pulled.
Software grows up too, for better or worse. I find this less surprising than nmap losing "...requires root privileges which you do not appear to possess. Sorry, dude."
I think like people software should have character and history as long as they do not interfere with functionality. I am always a bit sad seeing either one go.
If the result of entering the Konami code were sexist, misogynist, homophobic, racist, etc. I could see how someone might not appreciate it. I don't know what the issue was in this instance...but, I've seen nerds make pretty stupid jokes that cross lines. (And, I'm coming at this not from a politically correct sort of perspective, but instead from a, "check your privilege and try to stop being an asshole to people who have less power and privilege than you".)
Things slip through the cracks and go to production, and then everyone complains and then things with too much color get pulled.