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Chrome - getting better and better (and more importantly, pushing competitors to improve - like IE10 vd IE6)

Search - knowledge graph and answer cards

Android - Google Now and voice interface

Hangouts - the original product, for video chats

+1 sure I am pissed at the cancellation of Wave and irritated a bit by the cancelation of Reader, but you accurately list what I agree are their successes.

I worked briefly with Knowledge Graph while consulting at Google last year, and in future forms I think KG is going to eat the world - great technology.

I also like Google Now and expect it to keep getting better.

I've had a roundly "meh" experience with Google Now. Most of the information it shows me isn't relevant to me and anything that is relevant is information I already knew (I know how long it takes to get home from work, I do it every day). I like the idea, but I haven't been able to get much use out of it. How do you generally utilize it?

- If you're about to get on a plane and you use Gmail it will let you know when you need to leave where you are, also will tell you if the plane is late

- Daily weather updates

- It's picked up the stocks I have from my google searches and shows me them

- The time to get home from work is great if you've got google traffic monitoring, it can let you know where a crash is and suggest another route

I think Google Now is just getting started, but the cards are a good start. I am a bit torn here: I believe in privacy (I contribute to ACLU, FSF, etc.) but I also see the value of an intelligent digital assistant that needs to know a lot about me to be useful.

I personally feel like Chrome is getting worse by the day, at least on OS X.

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