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It's still a very niche platform that very few people use as a Facebook equivalent sharing and personal status system. Anecdotally hardly anyone in my personal life uses it, and that's no delusion.

> Anecdotally hardly anyone in my personal life uses it

you should google "inductive fallacy".

i've heard exactly the same "arguments" against twitter and whatsapp from people who either echo views of other people or just haven't made an effort to use the product.

when you start engaging on these platforms you realize they are thriving - maybe not exactly the way you thought they would coming from the fb land.

And you should google "fallacy fallacy".

I intentionally said "anecdotally" because I knew full well it was inadmissable as a representative of the whole. But the point remains that nobody else in my life uses it as a social media platform at nearly the same scale they use Facebook, and when it comes to social media that's the only thing that matters to me.

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