I did not say that apps should not use the internet at all! For updates, new content and so on some reliance on the internet is totally fine, I just hate apps which will not work offline altough there is no logical reason to do so. I uninstalled several singleplayer games just for this reason.
The only apps which I regularly use on my phone are:
- sms/messages
- email
- whatsapp
- webbrowser
- alien blue for reddit
- weather app
- look up contacts/phone numbers
- camera app / panorama app
- sudoko style puzzle game
- a simple app to track my spendings
- some other small single player games
So the first half of the list obvioulsy requires internet connection but the rest should be strictly offline except for updates and perhaps new content.
And I am not so much worried about my phone apps but more about programs which I need for work on my deal computer. Right now I am using Word/Office a lot but somehow I am afraid that in a few years there will only be some cloud based online version left.
But don't you really wish that your camera/panorama app were a webpage? Then you could use the same one across all of your devices, and you wouldn't need to install anything! And instead of doing local processing on your phone to stitch things, it could send the photos out to a datacenter for stitching and get a finished image back! And if you're out of cell range, maybe it could just cache any camera data and let you see the finished images later when you're back online. And it'd be great for disk space, because everything lives in the cloud and instead of saving videos locally you just have to wait for them to load and use a bunch of bandwidth every time you want to watch one.
I travel quite a lot with trains in southern Germany and the internet connection there is _bad_. So no, I don't want my camera app to be a webpage. Or if you hiking in the mountains and you want to make a paborama but you realize that there is no connection? Or i travel to asia for a few weeks but I can not access my camera webpage because roaming costs are too high? Or apple bought my favorite camera app and now the app/webpage is gone (I am looking at you, Snappycam)?
For a lot of applications it totally makes sense to augment its functionality by some internet connecticity, I am just against all apps/webpages which force me to be online even tough main functionality of this app would work without internet.
The only apps which I regularly use on my phone are:
- sms/messages
- email
- whatsapp
- webbrowser
- alien blue for reddit
- weather app
- look up contacts/phone numbers
- camera app / panorama app
- sudoko style puzzle game
- a simple app to track my spendings
- some other small single player games
So the first half of the list obvioulsy requires internet connection but the rest should be strictly offline except for updates and perhaps new content.
And I am not so much worried about my phone apps but more about programs which I need for work on my deal computer. Right now I am using Word/Office a lot but somehow I am afraid that in a few years there will only be some cloud based online version left.