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I have 100 bookmarks in my browser: OMG websites are evil.

How quickly can you delete 95 of those bookmarks? How long would it take you to delete 25 apps?

Also, how fast can you browse through and find the bookmark you need? There's a lot of useful data attached to each one of them, including a tree structure.

If you lose a bookmark (or maybe you're on a different device), how easy is it to get it back? You can even choose from a wealth of great search engines!

Maybe search engines will come for "native" apps. Maybe that's what OP hinted at at the end. Even then, those apps are not cross-platform.

Faster than scrolling through pages of apps. There are search engines for native apps already, the app stores, perhaps they should be updated to "search on device" and give the subset of results that are installed on the device already.

Better: even my Android browser lets me sort the bookmarks by frequency of use. Hell, I don't think my desktop browsers even do that.

Firefox absolutely does.

That is not a fundamental issue of the apps. It's a flaw of app management. The core of my analogy remains unchallenged. Besides, there is an app for that: http://lifehacker.com/5645850/apps-uninstall-bulk-removes-an...

Well if that's the extent of your analogy it's completely flawed. In your analogy someone has misused the bookmark feature to save too many. In my response - I point out it's a pain to remove apps. In future, sure maybe somebody will make app managers on par with web browser bookmarking features. Bookmarking a site is not a prerequisite for using a website, whereas installing an app is.

To point to yet another crummy app that performs extremely basic functionality that should probably be part of the os, is not really a sterling defense of the app model.

Better yet, how long does it take to update those 95 bookmarks?

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