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What is the policy on applications for businesses that compete with existing YC companies?

Do you accept them? Do you have conflict of interest or confidentiality policies?

Do you ever have conversations with existing YC companies along the lines of "We had an application recently for product X, you should do that."?

The YC FAQ answers the first three: http://ycombinator.com/faq.html

As for the fourth, of course not.

Since YC alumni are now doing the preliminary application reviews, is there a process to avoid an unintentional conflict of interest (ie, an alumnus viewing a potential competitor's application)? Perhaps prescreening by YC staff and assignment to specific alumni for review?

Please forgive me if the question seems redundant. I am reluctant to even ask as YC has a reputation of integrity. However, the mantra that "ideas are worthless" causes concern that perhaps precautions might not be taken to avoid such a scenario (because by implication, it would seem this could be viewed as a non-event). My apologies if I have misunderstood the views of YC on the matter.

We tell the alumni explicitly that they're obliged not to disclose what they see in applications, and that if they see an application that competes with them they should click on the "skip" button provided for this purpose. We can't watch over their shoulder as they do it, but we're careful about which alumni we pick as reviewers, and there has never been any problem so far.

That seems reasonable. Thank you for the explanation.

From what I have been told by YC alum the assignment process for application review is randomized, meaning it is hypothetically possible that a direct competitor may read your application.

As a counter point, if you want to raise external funding, you probably should accept the fact you will likely have to share your idea without protection - as its unlikely any VC will sign an NDA, and you have no idea who they will push your pitch deck to in order to get a 2nd opinion.

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