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sure, many unix programs might be useful, but without good UX design, remain horrible to use (see: tar). taking the unix philosophy as gospel is myopic; computer programs are meant to be used by people, and a program can only be useful if it's well-designed for use by people.

However, tar is a command-line program, and thus easy to interface with.

Thus, I recommend `atool`, which use tar, unzip, unrar, ... but wraps it all in a very good UX not depending on the archive type.

    aunpack my_archive.zip
    aunpack my_archive.rar
    aunpack my_archive.bzip
It also makes the right choice when several files not under a directory are in the archive (create a new directory and place files inside), when the archive contains a single file (just place the file in the current directory), and when a clash of names can occur with a file/directory already present in your cwd (unpacks in a directory named 'Unpack-XYZ')

Unix is extremely well-designed for use by people. Unix people.

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