I launched the site http://altexplorer.net at the start of January as a Block Explorer and information hub for alternative cryptographic currencies. This morning I found a site http://4co.in which is ripping-off my site in real-time; every time a page is loaded on 4co.in it uses php to load the corresponding page from http://altexplorer.net, removes analytics and ad tags, replaces the site name, and replaces the link URLs.
I've put a lot of effort into building this site and keeping it running, and now someone in India is stealing it in real-time. Every page load to 4coin causes an identical page load in the nginx logs of http://altexplorer.net. What can I do besides blocking the source IP address to stop this?
Screen shots:
Alt Explorer home page: https://d1eem2029tdth0.cloudfront.net/img/altexplorer-home.png
4coin home page: https://d1eem2029tdth0.cloudfront.net/img/4coin-home.png
Alt Explorer profitability page: https://d1eem2029tdth0.cloudfront.net/img/altexplorer-prof.png
4coin profitability page: https://d1eem2029tdth0.cloudfront.net/img/4coin-prof.png
looking up the whois info, it says that the registrant's email was bgrf@ymail.com
When I put this email in google, I came across another spammy site called baklinks.blogspot.com. This site asks you to swap back links. At the bottom of the blog post, I found the name of the person "Naveen K R"
I then looked up google with "Naveen K R + bgrf". I was able to find a site he (probably) runs called www.zokali.com
More googling combos, I finally found his linkedin profile and his name "Naveen K Ramanand"
May be you can contact this guy directly. Seems like he is the one doing this or at least he knows who.