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This whole thread should devolve into the death spiral of poverty you are leading towards here... you can pick many down-ramps in.

Institutional lubrication for an unmanageable impact due to child birth being encourage or enforced upon the poor. This further reduces that wealth per capita of the poor which spreads institutional support thinner, increases demands upon those trying to work, adds perverse incentives to NOT have more than a single income in a household, segregation of rich/poor, etc.

Each stressor for those on the lowest rung reinforces or draws them into other rational decisions which lock the poor into being poor.

Don't be poor Don't be uneducated Don't be a single parent Don't be a woman Don't be disenfranchised politically Don't be unemployed Don't be short-term-viewed in financial habits Don't be sick Don't drink/smoke/cope with chemicals or food Don't be fat Don't be injured without adequate health insurance Don't live in poor areas Don't work in labor-unfriendly areas etc. etc.

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