Last Friday, we have released the new HN Search ( We received impressive feedback, thanks! We used it to make several improvements.
Here is the ChangeLog:
- Added filters on item types (All/Story/Comment/Poll), filter on story by default
- Added filters by date (last 24 hours, past week, past month, forever), past week by default
- Replaced infinite scrolling by standard pagination
- Added an author filter via the author:USERNAME syntax in search bar. Can filter on one or multiple authors (OR between authors)
- UI was redesigned to improve readability
- Improved responsiveness for mobiles
- Removed highlight of stop words in text
- Relevancy: changed typo tolerance settings to be stricter (now tolerates one typo starting at 5 characters in a word and two typos starting at 9 characters in a word)
- Only last query word is interpreted as a prefix (all query words was prefix before)
There is one last item that we didn't implement as proposed: sorting by date. It will be for the next iteration. In the meantime, you can use date filtering.
Please continue to send feedback!
2. Having a date filter is better than none but I STRONGLY preferred the old one where you can sort by descending order from most recent to oldest. The current date filter still leaves things out of order even if it restricts time frame trying to mimic Google's filter.
3. Exact match search doesn't work either. It currently works similar to phrase match, where as long as the keywords exist, that will show results rather than in the exact order specified. Perhaps create two separate ways to do this kind of search.