Why does the perception exist that working longer hours equates to good forward progress? That unless you aren't willing to devote your every waking moment to an idea, you aren't a "doer?" This is such a ridiculous idea...
Where does he say anything about working long hours?
The most successful entrepreneurs I know work a lot, not because they think more hours=more output. It's just that they are so passionate about their product that they live and breathe it. If you aren't a founder, you simply don't understand.
You are correct, he never explicitly said anything about working long hours, but implied that only those that work "after 5" and don't indulge in entertainment such as netflix are motivated and "doers." I don't know how else to interpret that paragraph.
And I was a founder and worked for seven years for the still-successful company. we made it a point to set good examples of working only while productive, allowing remote work, and not making any hourly demands on employees. knowing when to NOT work is more important than working hard constantly, especially when you are in a leadership position and don't want to set implied expectations on employees.
Hey Hox, I'm one of the lawnstarter guys(although I didn't write the post)
Just wanted to say I definitely agree with the work only while productive, and I do sometimes catch myself doing useless work. I personally get off on trying to build something bigger than myself though and really enjoy the work.
I'm curious about what you said regarding implied expectations. Do you see it as an issue if I choose to work that much but don't by any means reprimand an employee for not following suit?
it really depends on the situation. of course I'm being g a bit dramatic; working long hours is really hard to not do as a founder, because it really is your life. but it's not 100% your employees' lives, and implied culture is just as important as that defined by company mission and policies.
Good point. I interpreted it differently, since in a different life I used to leave at 5 and spend hours watching Netflix / playing COD.
When I became a founder I clearly worked quite a bit more, but also found myself watching less TV and doing more reading, exercise...productive things.
ah he's 22 years old, at 22 I hardly cared or really needed to work either as I had my parents as a fall back, now involve a baby and wife and lets see how easily this exact decision can be rendered.