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Gmail Now Lets You Email Your Google+ Connections (thenextweb.com)
24 points by hackhackhack on Jan 9, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Interesting design decision to hide the connection's address until you send them an email. It at least notifies the recipient that you now know their address. And the recipient gets the sender's address in exchange. It shows that Google has some concern for privacy here… but does it actually do anything? Why hide the addresses in the first place?

I wonder how it interacts with "undo send" …

> Interesting design decision to hide the connection's address until you send them an email.

That's not what the article says. It says that it hides your email address until you send the connection an email (and, conversely, hides the connections email address until they send you an email):

Quote: The good news is that your email address isn’t visible to a Google+ connection unless you send him or her an email. The reverse is also true: his or her email address isn’t visible to you unless he or she sends you an email.

> until you send them an email.

It's not "until you send", but "until you receive a reply".

Ahh, that makes much more sense now. Thanks for the clarification.


I'm not sure what you're talking about. When I start typing into the "to" field in Gmail, it drops down with people matching the name or email address that I'm typing in. I can then choose from that list auto-complete that address.

This is just going to add in the ability to do this with your G+ contacts as well.

I was terribly wrong, sorry for that!

No worries, we're all mistaken about something on the internet at some point in our lives. Have a great day!

Thanks, it was – well is – embarrassing nevertheless … never in doubt, sometimes wrong, sure, but not THAT wrong! ;)

So Gmail offers now autocomplete for G+ contacts but not for contacts in your actual Google Contacts (address book)?!

You obviously don't use gmail. It's worked this way forever. And, the picture in the article shows this, too.

I use Gmail (as a part of Google Apps for Business) all the time but I did not notice that autocomplete had become available … sorry for that!

So that includes people who have me in their circles or the ones I have in my circle?

If you take a look at the screenshot, you can see that it's tunable: http://cdn1.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2014/01/...

"Anyone on Google+", "Extended Circles", "Circles", and "No One".


I'm not following. This "spammer" sends you a message via G+, then what? If you don't respond to them, they don't get your email address.

Can someone who already has the feature tell us what its default setting is? ...Please let it at least be "Circles".

But does Google know which ones have restraining orders against you?

See also: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7029596

If someone has a restraining order against you, you probably shouldn't have them in your circles in the first place (you also should pay attention to who you send emails to, either way).

The mixing of professional and personal is quite dangerous.


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