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You can also make your own. Not only is it cheap, easy and costs little time, it also tastes great.

Yea--I grew up in the "if you want something to eat learn how to cook Dude". Plus, my girlfriends we so terrible(I think they were rebelling, or though it was cute?) at cooking. One of the first things I learned how to make was bread, but it always came out terrible, except pizza dough. I have perfected rice with a steamer though. Rice is cheap if you are strapped.

I can recommend this recipe: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/08/dining/081mrex.html?_r=0 (video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13Ah9ES2yTU).

It is very little total work (15 minutes max) and makes great bread, but it does require some planning ahead because of the long rise time.

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