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Hacker Housing: Open Spot in the SF 'Hacker House' Starting in Early August
17 points by johndevor on July 11, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
I'm returning to school on the East coast, and my room will be vacant at the Hacker House in SF in early August. If you're a coder and want to be around like-minded coders, this is the place for you.

Email me at johndevor(at)gmail.com if you're interested.

I've been living there for the past week and can attest that it's a great place to be. Mostly quiet (but still cool) roommates with plenty of space. They say you're a product of your environment .. this is definitely a good environment to be in.

Now with 80% less deadly lighting fixtures!

Golden Doodle?

Such awkward animals.

My former roommate recently got a Golden Doodle. It was cute as hell as a puppy, but now that it's a little older I see what you mean...

Naw, he's an airedale.

Can someone explain how this works again? Is it just a place to live with other coders, or is it one of those "seed funds that give you a place to live/work in exchange for equity" kind of deals?

It's just a house with people who like to code. :)

Also, there are pictures of the place here: http://divvyshot.com/event/hacker_house/

Is the whiteboard by the toilet just for blocking the window, or do people actually use it while on the toilet?

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