From what they said about these reading sensor data, I'm picturing a factory, industrial, or field type scenario. I'm picturing a very small embedded computer with some sensors attached and an internal ssd. Referencing a 1.5gb OS like they did makes me think they just have a normal OS installed, but it's entirely possible that they have a modified kernel and fast boot process.
Essentially, it sounds like they have a single unit that gets turned on, gathers sensor readings, and then get turned off. I'm guessing these are not handheld devices, otherwise they most likely would have a battery attached. If a non 24/7 factory, these could be turned off with the rest of the assembly line by someone throwing breakers off on the way out (very common).
Essentially, it sounds like they have a single unit that gets turned on, gathers sensor readings, and then get turned off. I'm guessing these are not handheld devices, otherwise they most likely would have a battery attached. If a non 24/7 factory, these could be turned off with the rest of the assembly line by someone throwing breakers off on the way out (very common).