You think running a dictionary through SHA1, generating little sparkline graphs for each hash (the same way you did in like 10 lines of JS code), and then carving the image into sectors and counting matches is "extraordinarily difficult"? Everything you need to do it is, I think, in Mochikit.
You get full props for grandma, her googles, and the palsy, although anything you could do to allow either of my grandmothers to log into the googles would qualify you for much more than HN props. I'm sorry you think I'm inflammatory, except you and I both know I'm not.
You get full props for grandma, her googles, and the palsy, although anything you could do to allow either of my grandmothers to log into the googles would qualify you for much more than HN props. I'm sorry you think I'm inflammatory, except you and I both know I'm not.