But the proposals fail to address the root cause of the industry’s problems, which is that most venture capitalists have failed to find enough decent companies to deliver the returns they promised investors.
Does this imply that creativity and entrepreneurship are a limited resource like oil? Is it a seasonal thing, like corn?
Perhaps the oversupply of funding is unintentionally leading to misdirected investment in too many "me too" companies, and that's robbing talent from what could be world changing startups.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to creating the next great URL shortner.
Does this imply that creativity and entrepreneurship are a limited resource like oil? Is it a seasonal thing, like corn?
Perhaps the oversupply of funding is unintentionally leading to misdirected investment in too many "me too" companies, and that's robbing talent from what could be world changing startups.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to creating the next great URL shortner.