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I'd have the opposite take on the title "lifestyle business". The opposite is really the "get rich or die trying" business. The opposite are the businesses that can only survive as long as they keep coming out with some new novelty until they're bought without necessarily creating a sound business.

Lifestyle business means that you have your priorities right. The purpose of business and money is making life easier and nicer. Life's purpose isn't business and money. The problem is that we put people like Mark Cuban on a pedestal for creating something that couldn't make money and didn't create much value simply because someone else was stupid enough to pay billions for it in a frenzy. At the same time, we don't have a lot of respect for people like the restaurant owner who does a consistent good job because what he does can never have the "infini-scale" of large web projects and get bought for billions.

Of course, as we've seen, the "infini-scale" almost never happens. Really, what company that was purchased in all the .com land rushes has made the owner much money? Not broadcast.com, not YouTube, not Geocities, not AOL, not FeedBurner, not Jaiku, not Dodgeball. . . But all of them were acquired for tons of money. They played "get rich or die trying" and got rich while making nothing that lasts up to that measure.

Lifestyle businesses aren't about who works harder. It's about creating known value rather than the latest fad. It's about giving customers something good at a fair price rather than trying to corner the market, exercise the synergies, actualize the growth potential, or whatever other marketing speak one would use to get a large, scared player to buy you when you have no profit potential. Lifestyle businesses are about humbly giving people something good and knowing that you're making a positive impact on their lives. Maybe you aren't "game changing", but people appreciate a good business.

Before Broadcast.com, Mark Cuban had multiple profitable businesses and a hedge fund.

People often put him on a pedestal or tear him down because they're misinformed.

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