Of course. It's impossible to respond when you have provided good logical evidence and get emotional instability and calling names in return. I just wanted you to got through the exercise to see that whatever feminists demand, whether it is logical or makes sense or not - they get. And if you try to respond in logical fashion, you get this, what I gave you. Just to prove a point. Females are more important to children than males. I agree 100%, you don't need to provide me with any evidence. That's common sense. The same way males are better soldiers than females. I agree 100%. You don't need to provide me with any evidence. That's common sense. But why we live in society where we apply logic to certain things (like divorces and who gets children as their result), and to other (i.e. female soldiers) we would rather gag logic in the name of the political correctness, is beyond me.
Hey, MensRights: any casual reader of this thread can see your clumsy rhetorical trick here. "Females are more important to children than males. I agree 100%. The sky is polka-dot and I am the witch king lord set over all chocolate bars. I agree 100%. One hundred percent! Damn you, political correctness!"
"I agree with something you never said" is a 14-year-old's debate tactic, right up there with "stop hitting yourself". Which is unsurprising, because the logic of "MensRights" is mired in about the same developmental stage.
Why would anyone take you seriously ever again after you wrote a comment like this? I do not know, and think that they should not.
name calling - of course; (check!)
aggression - of course; (check!)
pointing to issues with semantics and form and not addressing the issues themselves - of course (check!)
That's how I know I talk to a feminist.
Other left-wingers like Marxists - you need to spend some time showing them your argumentation before they give up and do that. Start attacking a person instead of attacking argumentation or addressing issues.
Feminists go to that right away. Again, not surprised at all. You are very angry group of people indeed. And that's why in most polls women disagree with feminists. Nobody likes angry mean person who attacks messenger instead of addressing issues calmly.