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Show HN: jQuery Audit – Chrome dev tools extension (github.com/zertosh)
44 points by zertosh on Dec 16, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I am particularly happy with the implementation of this being so close (geographically) to the tools I already use. I constantly have inspector open.

Now, the hard part will be figuring out exactly how this will fit into my existing workflow, which currently largely relies on console.log's to understand data and bindings (rather than element inspection).

Nice work.

Give `debugger` a shot, it'll make your life so much better.

Or breakpoints. With Chrome's tidying of minified code you can even use it on production.

I thought source maps were in Chrome now?

I rarely have to debug on anything other than the full source so I haven't really tried it out yet.

Rails doesn't do it by default, you need extra libraries [0]. I'd also guess most people won't put source maps on production.

[0] http://blog.vhyza.eu/blog/2013/09/22/debugging-rails-4-coffe...

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