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No offense taken. I was not asked to write this, nor guided in its contents by the government.

Really? why should anyone trust in anything coming from the NSA when you are systematically lying again and again? why should we listen to anything you say when historically, part of your strategy is to try to influence the PoV of society || specifics groups?

Specifically: how are you so sure about what the NSA is doing? in your article you say that the NSA does not do SI on US citizens without a warrant, but how can you really know that if you are just another worker? I don't think you can... but hey, you seem like a smart person so why are you making that kind of statement?

> I was not asked to write this, nor guided in its contents by the government.

I find this hard to believe, especially coming from someone in your area: if there is no way for us to verify this statement, then how relevant can this comment be for us?

why should anyone trust in anything coming from the NSA when you are systematically lying again and again?

That's a bold claim - do you have any evidence that lorendsr, who is by his own admission no longer employed by the NSA, has been systematically lying again and again? Or that historically, part of his strategy is to try to influence society or specific groups? Or are you claiming that part of the NSA's employment process is the removal of independent thought and plugging into the collective hive mind?

> That's a bold claim - do you have any evidence that lorendsr

I meant "you" the NSA, not lorendsr... I don't know him.

But yeah, sorry if my distrust of people who say they worked for a government agency that has as its main PR policy lying and manipulating public opinion sounds harsh... I'm just a bit angry because I'm not a US citizen and I know that my use of pgp,otr,tor,i2p,self-signed certs is enough to make some powerful organization start registering every single move I do on the Internet.

> Or are you claiming that part of the NSA's employment process is the removal of independent thought and plugging into the collective hive mind?

That is most likely the reason. Even reddit doesn't jerk this hard.

The OP's submission is a valuable one, even if you disagree with his views.

Of course it's valuable - as evidence of the brainwashing NSA employees must go through to justify their actions to themselves and their families.

Did your post have to go through some sort of internal review before you were allowed to publish it? I find it weird that you're allowed to blog, let alone blog about the NSA.

See bottom of post: This essay was deemed UNCLASSIFIED and approved for public release by the NSA's office of Pre-Publication Review on 11/21/2013 (PP 14-0081).

Hmmm... where do we find out about all the CLASSIFIED blog posts? NSA internal forums? Any place where there's a summary of these reviews as metadata, hence leaving the content "CLASSIFIED" ? Who is watching the watchers?

Thanks cypherpunks01.

I flagged it for my to-read list for after work. I'm an idiot and didn't RTFA.

Did you read the friendly article?

This essay was deemed UNCLASSIFIED and approved for public release by the NSA's office of Pre-Publication Review on 11/21/2013 (PP 14-0081).

> nor guided in its contents by the government.

Are you sure about this?

The government tells you what is classified and what isn't. If you have ever been privy to any classified material, you will have made the decision to self-censor that information, to keep the essay unclassified. In other words, you will have removed information that the government told you it didn't want published.

Granted the control wasn't overt, but the government has influenced your writing via your past and the controls that were embedded when you went though your initial security induction.

If it works differently to this, please do explain it to me, as I would be interested to know.

I just mean that I wasn't told what to write by a USG PR person. The only thing I heard from the NSA about it was that I didn't have to redact anything.

Thanks for replying.

You came up with all of these points by yourself?

I'm quoting m8urn's post from upthread:

> m8urn https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6911796

> It all seems so sincere. Except when you see how closely this matches the talking points the NSA sent home with employees https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.documentcloud.org/documents/8445...

I don't disbelieve you came up with all those points yourself, btw. Maybe you've never even seen that PDF hand-out. However, you couldn't have reworded this obvious piece of propaganda any better, if you did.

Oh ok then. Stupid of me to think otherwise.

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