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Fear? No, I don't think so. I think there are a lot of people who are eager for business models that don't include having your data sold, or being advertised to.

Adoption of adblock isn't something that is happening too fast to respond to, and it is a good thing, I believe, because it should create some innovation on the monetization side. Ad revenue isn't the only game in town, and I think consumers are receptive to other models that give them more control.

The advertising industry is responsible for most malware and privacy concerns. They get money through manipulating people and I'm not certain they are actually adding much of value in the first place.

Recommendation engines for app stores and online stores like amazon do the job of informing people of new things much better, and I think replaces the need for them entirely.

Google and Facebook get money by manipulating people and aren't adding any value? Wow. Bold claim.

Ads themselves aren't. The sites supported on them might be, but the money is only coming from manipulating people into spending money they otherwise wouldn't.

I said that to dispute the argument that ads are a benefit to consumers by informing them of products they might value.

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