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I love Hal Abelson's opening of this SICP lecture[1], in which he acknowledges that OO (with mutable state) is born from the idea of modeling computer programs the way we perceive the world. But then he goes on to say that the reason why OO can be so complicated (because of having to deal with the can-of-worms that is mutable state) is because maybe we have the wrong view of reality.

He then proceeds to launch his piece of chalk across the room! (good stuff). And proposes that instead of the chalk having changing state (position, velocity, etc), instead, its better to thing of the chalk as a collection of immutable values; each value existing at a moment in time. And this of course aligns more to functional programming; and you see the same notion (immutable values over time) with descriptions of Datomic.

[1] http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-comput...

What a great lecture. Thank you for sharing. I own and have read a good portion of SICP and these lectures are a great supplement to that.

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