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I would rather like to see better CPU performance first then auto-scale. Awful CPU performance is what keeping me away from EC2, trying linode nowadays..

The new C3.Large is cheaper than M1.Large (and only marginally more expensive than the old M1.Medium), but its CPU performance is roughly twice as good. Swapping over made a notable difference for our web nodes (perhaps 30-40% reduction in server time for the web-facing tier).

C3's instance-level SSD drives are a very nice touch as well.

It should be noted, though, that the c3.large has half the RAM of the m1.large.

Have you tried the new c3 instances?

For the last 2 days i have a script that is trying to allocate a c3 instance with no luck. AWS is having crazy capacity problems in us-east (all zones).

Same here. The ones we've managed to snag have been great, but it has made it difficult to scale out in a few situations when they haven't had the capacity.

We are also getting multiple 500 ServerInternalErrors trying to allocate them.

Good to know - we were salivating and planning to switch from M1 to C3.

in my experince its only us-east-1a that is having problems. i can get instances in b, c, and d no problem.

c3.large instances are awesome!

Keep in mind that your us-east-1a is not necessarily the same as someone else's us-east-1a as they randomly assign the names to reduce the effect of everyone congregating in us-east-1a because it sounds like the best one.

really? thats hilarious. thanks for the info.

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