The Silo Saga, by Hugh Howey. Originally self-published and released as short Kindle "Singles", the first section of the series is collected in "Wool". The Omnibus collects the first five singles, and is $6 on Amazon[1]... but if you want to test it out, the first single he released is still available for free in the Kindle store. It ranks among the best zero dollars I spent all year.
Behind that, I really enjoyed "White Noise" by Don Delillo, though I did have some problems with characterization (basically, all the characters were the author), and Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism
I'm reading this right now (in my 30's) and LOVING it! It's a hefty read, but the story--though I've heard the story before, seen movies, etc.--is so great it's fantastic.
I'm 31, so I'm about the same age .. I've heard of the book before, but didn't know much about it, and haven't read it until this year. It truly blew me away, almost from first page. It will be one of the very few books that I re-read.
I make note of the books I read in 1-2 sittings because I can't put them down. This year these were:
Five Billion Years of Solitude - Lee Billings
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
Grand Ambition: An Extraordinary Yacht, the People Who Built It, and the Millionaire Who Can't Really Afford It - G. Bruce Knecht
A book I actually finished? I'd say One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of by Richard Brandt. It's not the whole story though. Bezos is portrayed in a favorable light throughout.
There's a great collection of essays in The Philosohy of Law (edited by Richard Dworkin), which gives a characterization of legal philosophy/thought in Western Analytic tradition, and Post-Scarcity Anarchism (Murray Bookchin), a sort of historical analysis on how the post-structuralists' thought played subnarrative to the orthogonal political philosophy of that tradition.
Behind that, I really enjoyed "White Noise" by Don Delillo, though I did have some problems with characterization (basically, all the characters were the author), and Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism