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IntelliJ IDEA 13 is Released (jetbrains.com)
256 points by rdemmer on Dec 3, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 213 comments

Having used the beta, and as a Scala developer on a large multi-module project, this release is a game-changer performance-wise. The memory footprint is a small fraction of what it once was (literally). While memory is not really a big issue for a developer these days, this is huge because previously we were forced to run at large heaps, which would cause 'fun' GC pauses while typing. The code completion is now fast enough to put back into auto mode. Similarly, the find functionality is now instantaneous, even when you're finding variables. They've clearly been playing around with threading on the editor, because there seem to be many fewer situations where typing slows down while the system is thinking about other things.

I've appreciated every IntelliJ upgrade. IntelliJ was 'mature' many years ago, but they continue to push and push and rethink features and experiment. This release just wowed me enough to gush about it :).

I've also been using IntelliJ for various large projects written in Scala, currently on the fence deciding whether upgrading to 13 worthwhile. Really hoping for an upgrade discount for all those who purchased IntelliJ in the "end of the world" sale last year. I also wish they'd add better support for profiling and heap dump analysis.

The upgrade price is cheaper. If you bought a personal license, the upgrade price is $99 and not $199. If you bought a commercial license the upgrade price is $299 rather than $499. I'm guessing you purchased a personal license because I believe that was what was on sale last year. So, $99 bucks is freakin' cheap. I have purchased every version of IntelliJ IDEA since version 2. Never regretted it. I can tell you it has definitely accelerated my development and my career.

As for profiling and heap analysis, you are going to have to spend some cash somewhere else. I would suggest YourKit (http://www.yourkit.com). Sure, you can use VisualVM but that will only get you so far. Since you are using Scala, perhaps you could look into Takipi (http://www.takipi.com/) for profiling and monitoring.

There was a problem on the JetBrains site yesterday where it would erroneously not allow some license keys for upgrades. I also bought my IDEA license in the end-of-the-world sale last year, and the site wouldn't accept my key for an upgrade.

I wrote a note to JetBrains sales with the details, and they sent me a custom quote for the upgrade price - and it also looks like they fixed the bug in the site.

So try again with your original license key and you should be able to get the upgrade price. If that doesn't work, write to sales like I did and they will fix it for you.

I don't follow what you're asking for. Since you got a really cheap initial price, you feel that you should get a cheap upgrade price?

I think (s)he is hoping that an upgrade will be cheaper than buying whole new license irrespective of the cheap initial price.

Good to know it's improved for Scala! Playframework templates give me the most trouble while working in IntelliJ.

What exactly problems do you have?

red error lines appears all the time in the template, despite being correct and compiling without error. A few recent encounters are text after @function are highlighted as unexpected token, a defined variable is not recognized, and reformatting sometimes breaks the template by doing actions such as converting documents.map { doc => ...} to documents.map { \n doc => ... }.

The fix will be available in the next nightly build: http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/SCA/Play+2.0+plugin+...

Awesome. Looking forward to fixes and improvements. I'm already satisfied with using IntelliJ.

Very good to know. At first I was irritated at having to shell out for another upgrade less than a year after 12, but it sounds like this is a worthy update.

12 was released a year ago, thats their model (and version number, 12 == 2012, 13 == 2013, etc)

The mind-reader IDE, as we used to call it. It's sometimes scary when you create a new variable in a class and it gives you the perfect suggestion (based on what you did elsewhere in the code).

It also knows if you meant to use the other variable: https://twitter.com/pt3mm/status/272315627522367488/photo/1

Wouldn't that be potential evidence for the idea that the code is likely quite redundant?

In Java you indeed do need lots of stuff like getters and setters.

No, that's an orthogonal concern. You have to use it to understand (edit: or you have to find someone smarter than me to explain it to you ;).

Jetbrains does something similar with their Ruby ide, but it feels more advanced in IntelliJ. Certainly the static analysis can gather more information.

Code isn't just for writing, it's for reading too. A degree of extra explicit information in the code can often (Note: not always) be useful when you're maintaining someone else's code.


Aren't most of the variable name suggestions based on the method being called?

If I extract a variable for service.getUserRecommendations(), I believe the recommendation list would look like "userRecommendations", "recommendations", etc.

I like this, "the mind-reader IDE"

Yeah I don't think I could do .NET development anymore without ReSharper. Makes me wonder how much time I wasted by using Eclipse in my Java days instead of just forking over the cash for IDEA.

Is ReSharper still as slow as it used to be 5 years ago (VS2008)?

Eclipse does a lot of "mind-reading", too.

I have to disagree with both of these guys, it was so slow in Visual Studio 2013 that I actually disabled it. Then I was forced to re-enable it when I couldn't live without the functionality.

I'm actually noticing a bit of a regression in Visual Studio 2013/RS 8. My Alt+Enter quick fix menu takes longer to just show up with any suggestions.

I've been using VS2013 with ReSharper 8 (though I've been using RS in general for many years) and the pair seem to be faster than ever.

Don't get me wrong, Eclipse had a lot of powerful features but never felt as polished as ReSharper does in Visual Studio.

The sentence about Eclipse was merely a side note and not related to the question about ReSharper. Sorry if that was not clear enough. :) I know that ReSharper does a lot of magic that is lacking in Eclipse, unfortunately.

It is lightning fast on my machine on both VS 2010 and 2012.

I got my IntelliJ IDEA 12 license at the doomsday sale. I wish there were another end of the world ;)

Amazing, the Ragnarok is next year!!!!!

Can anyone confirm this sale date?

No. Just joking.

If only ISON returned really bright in the night sky. Then we could panic, riot in the streets and get a deal on Jetbrains software.

The upgrade will cost you about 8 dollars a month. 26 cents a day.

Yeah, hoping for that as well. If I'd still mainly work on Java I probably would buy the upgrade right now. But I switched to 90% C# - 10% Java.

My day job and most of my time is spent writing C/C++ code, so I'm usually working in vim. But IntelliJ is really, really good.

The auto-completion is so phenomenal in IntelliJ, you'll be tempted to learn Java just to use it. Yes, that's fairly hyperbolic, but after using IntelliJ, I just can't ever go back to Eclipse or any other Java IDE.

The ability to edit programs while they were running and then see the changes nearly instantaneously after saving without restarting the program was fantastic. (Worked just as well as Eclipse's after a few tweaks.)

What I'm really looking forward to is what they do with C/C++ and possibly Go some day.

IntelliJ is worth every penny if you write Java code; don't doubt it for a moment. Download the trial and use it if you find that hard to believe.

> The ability to edit programs while they were running and then see the changes nearly instantaneously after saving without restarting the program was fantastic.

This feature is news to me. That is, unless you're talking about using it with the jrebel plugin (and intellij can't really take credit for that). If this is not what you're referring to, do you have a link where I can learn more?



Mind you it's limited to the built-in method swapping that the JVM offers.

But you can get more; see also:


It was more than sufficient for my needs.

Since there seem to be some IntelliJ folks here, I'd like to bring up my pet peeve: please take advantage of modern, gigantic _wide_ monitors.

It makes no sense for code to be in a single column on the left of the monitor while 2/3 of the right side is almost completely empty space. Instead of just allowing vertical scrolling, why not allow multiple columns and horizontal scrolling? This will result in the ability to see twice, in some cases three times as much code on screen!

Open the context menu for a tab by right-clicking it, select "Split Vertically", and you'll have two columns for tabs.

I don't have intellij installed on my computer here, when you say 'split vertically,' do you mean it basically opens two views of same file next to each other, each view scrolling independently? If so, that isn't what I want -- almost every IDE and text editor already does that.

What I want is similar to how MS Word takes a single blob of text and reflows it in multiple columns.

Huh, that's interesting. I can't say I've encountered that need before though; it's much more valuable for me to have many panes of different files open at the same time (or two locations of one file), rather than an "extended buffer" of a single file. Most of the context outside the immediate method is not immediately important, and most methods are just a few lines long -- enough to fit in a pane.

No, it creates an additional editor area that can have any number of files open in it. You drag files between the areas or open the same file in multiple areas.

You can continue splitting any area vertically or horizontally to create a configuration that fits your working style or the code you're currently writing.

Interesting idea. Don't think it's been done with an IDE before. Expanding code based on context would be cool too. (eg. second column shows the implementation of whatever the first column's cursor is on - super handy when stepping through code)

Not sure if it counts as an IDE, but emacs has follow-mode which does this.


Interestingly enough Xcode tried that as well, and its had mixed reviews.

Yeah I've been doing this for a while now, until I switched to a dual monitor set up where one monitor is landscape and the other, containing my IDE, is portrait.

Yes, but it's a PITA to move buffers between the panes. No drag and drop? Horrible.

You can drag and drop but it's a bit picky - grab the file tab and drop it in the other pane's tabstrip.

Definitely something that could be improved (as well as splitting to two panes gives you 2 panes of the same file..)

The drag and drop works but it's a bit weird. You have to drag the tab into the other editor window, not on the tab bar.

Please don't do that! Wide lines are my pet peeve!

It doesn't make sense to use width just because you can. In fact it's a bad idea because it's much, much harder to read really wide text and code should be written to be read. You don't see (good) web pages, books or magazines with really wide text because it's really hard to read.

Also people sometimes work on small screen laptops and there you are constrained by width.


http://www.maxdesign.com.au/articles/em/ http://baymard.com/blog/line-length-readability

I know there are actual studies that show reading comprehension based on line length, I've read them before, but I can't find them now.

I think you misunderstood my point. I don't want long lines of text, I want multiple columns of short lines.

Ah, yep I misunderstood. Sorry!

Unfortunately at my company people insist on writing code in 130+ columns, I'm a little over sensitive about it I guess.

Multiple columns is not at all the same thing as long lines. See: newspapers.

This is a major reason I still do my editing in XEmacs even though I use IntelliJ for debugging.

On a 1920-wide screen, using the standard X11 "6x10" font, I can split an XEmacs frame into three 100-column windows horizontally. I also split vertically, for a total of six. Add a second monitor, and I can see a lot of code! For complex tasks involving changes across multiple files, it's a big help.

You can also move the run/debug tabs from the bottom to the right side; it gives you more vertical space for editing and a LOT more room for logs, watches, etc.

Multiple columns and horizontal scrolling?

In addition to the existing panels you can split the editor window using Window->Editor Tabs->Split Horizontally.

I worked with Pivotal for a little bit and learned some keyboard shortcuts for splitting windows and moving tabs from one to the other.

It's definitely possible.

If you could open the same file twice and stack them vertically, your problem would be solved and it doesn't sound so hard to implement.

you can.

Or rotate your wide-screen monitor by 90 degrees

I recently bought one of those large Korean monitors (2560x1440). Even with 90 degree notation, I can easily fit two columns of code on screen (well, there is space for two columns, no IDE actually does this)

Would you mind telling me which one? I have had trouble finding a monitor that doesn't have weird colors when rotated

This is my second one. Haven't had any problems. The one I'm using now is Crossover 27QD-P. I bought it because it pivots, ironically it doesn't work when pivoted on my older model macbook pro. However, it worked perfectly on a similar (slightly newer) macbook pro so the problem seems to be with my laptop. Make sure you have the correct connectors, I had a buy a displayport-dual-linkdvi adapter from monoprice.


I pull tabs out to separate windows.

Over with Open Dylan (http://opendylan.org/), we've been building a new IDE using IntelliJ CE and it has been a joy. Even though we've gone the route of writing a whole new parser and doing new static analysis tools, it has been a pretty good experience so far. Can't say enough positive things about this.

I can't begin to describe how much I love IntelliJ. I sometimes use eclipse or visual studio, but no one does IDE's like JetBrains. The best thing about Visual Studios is ReSharper. If you are a VS guy go buy the VS ReSharper Wrapper from JetBrains.

I'm still looking forward to the 'Sublime Text'-like column mode selection feature[1], currently the top voted feature request, which will be an excellent addition to IntelliJ. Unfortunately it looks like we'll have to wait until version 14 for this.

[1] - http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-80056

we know about this request and understand it's importance. however it can't be done quickly as there are some things to change in the core of the editor. i hope to see it in 14 or even early nobody can tell in advance. will keep posted. i'm sure it will be implemented

It's present in PyCharm, and it's pretty cool and usefull :P

with jetbrains folks in here it would be nice to get a comment from them on this. Even just something that says its not coming would be better than no response at all. I love intellij, but sublime multi cursors would be a huge performance improvement. Right now I keep idea, sublime and notepad++ open most of the day.

please find my comment above

I wish they offered to download the release via torrent, the download speed from their servers is terrible (currently getting only +- 150 KB/s).

I'm not a java developer, but their tools are fantastic. I started using PyCharm about 2 years ago, and nothing else compares. Only complaint I have is that PyCharm's updates aren't as quick as INtelliJ's, so when you guys get the nice features, we have to wait for it in PyCharm land.

Depending on which features of PyCharm you use the most, you actually may benefit from the recent open-sourcing of PyCharm Community Edition. Now you can use (and theoretically fix bugs in) the master builds which track IJ development very closely.

Switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ for Java development about a year back and never looked back. It's amazing how good the tooling and autocomplete is. It's worth every dollar!

I hear they're working on a C++ IDE, I can't wait for it to come out.

C/C++ IDE, try subscribe to preview: http://www.jetbrains.com/objc/features/cpp.html

Thanks, I hadn't noticed that before! I just signed up, but unfortunately they don't have a Linux version yet.

Since moving to OS X fully I've become a real fan of Xcode. I'm curious to see how AppCode is when you can actually write Objective-C++ in it. I'm a fan of IDEA, but I'm a little skeptical of this (as AppCode right now isn't as nice as Xcode anyway).

What do you miss most in AppCode from your XCode experience?

In no particular order (and I just downloaded 2.5 to check stuff so I wouldn't waste your time):

- Counterparts. If it's there I can't find it. (Bonus points if it can do what Counterparts can't: jump-to-definition in the right pane puts the appropriate header in the left pane.)

- Xcode-style back/forward buttons. Coupled with Counterparts, this is really flexible and pleasant to use. I'm familiar with ctrl-tab switching in IDEA but I don't really like it as much.

- The debugger interface feels clunky. I'm used to it with Java/Scala in IDEA, but I feel like Xcode doesn't aggravate me as much. Perhaps it's just because it's more responsive in its presentation?

- Having to remember to hit "Debug" rather than just "Run" is annoying. I get why it exists, but the first time I went "wait, why are my breakpoints not firing?", the need to make that decision lost me.

- UI clutter everywhere. There's too much thrown at me, too fast. Opening AppCode's preferences pane is overwhelming even though I'm very familiar with IDEA (it's not good there either). There's too much crap thrown at me that I don't care about. I don't care about HTTP proxying. I don't care about XSLT files. I don't care about Live Templates. But they're taking up eye- and brain-space. I would strongly recommend that JetBrains figure out exactly what the 95% case actually use and find a way to progressively reveal remaining features for the 5%.

- Native widgets. Everything just feels wrong and it's competing against a really wonderful native UI and experience, to its detriment. I really like IDEA because it's head and shoulders above Eclipse and NetBeans, but going from native Cocoa widgets to AppCode is very unpleasant. I strongly feel that the native widgets in Xcode make it feel more responsive, with animations and transitions that lend a feeling of "snappiness"; I don't know if it actually is faster than AppCode, but it feels it.

- In this vein, making me go from the eye-shock that is AppCode to Xcode to use IB is probably not helping matters from a marketing perspective. Old-hotness/new-busted is reminding me of the pluses of Xcode, which probably isn't what JetBrains wants me to be thinking about.

There are some things that I really enjoy in it - I like that it Just Works with my Xcode projects, I love that, when I use liblogog, the file/line paths that are emitted by logging statements become hyperlinks in the output window - but overall it's like using Linux on the desktop: there are a thousand little frustrations that make it less pleasant and pleasurable to use.

Thanks @eropple for the effort to download and provide feedback. Much appreciated.

Wow, thanks for the detailed feedback. Most of the issues are on the radar and we are making the UI cleaner with each release, while trying to keep the power in place and still have it discoverable.

No problem! I'm critical because I love you guys. =)

@eropple I hope you get that I'm not trying to minimize or trivialize your concerns. I just wanted to point out something that impressed me. @olegstepanov the guy that just asked you for your feedback... he's the CEO of Jetbrains.

I'm really glad that my friend introduced me to IDEA and it's what I use for nearly all of my work with code.

These guys make kickass products, and the fact that they really enjoy their work comes out in the quality of their stuff, and how they treat their customers.

Yeah I'm aware, and I was impressed that he'd be hanging around here. And don't get me wrong: I'm a fan of JetBrains. TeamCity saves my bacon on the regular and both dotPeek and ReSharper are great when I'm working in .NET. From the perspective of an Android developer (day job) and a Scala fan, I love IDEA--it's very smart where I need it to be smart. Thing is, I don't need my IDE to be nearly as smart when writing C++, or even what Objective-C I have to write for tools and such. I need it to not frustrate me, and I'm very willing to spend money on tools that do that. I'd love it if AppCode progressed to a point where I felt like it was a good investment.

And, too, I'm sympathetic with regards to most of the stuff I enumerated in my previous post - a lot of it comes down to being non-native, and trying to match that in Java is kind of like having your foot in a bucket.

I always find it confusing how people can prefer Xcode. I guess it's whatever you're most used to and comfortable with. Xcode does look a lot better aesthetically, but that's about the only thing I can think of.

IMO AppCode has much better code generation, refactoring and navigation. For instance, I've yet to locate a way to find all references to a symbol in Xcode.

I'm not "most used to" Xcode at all. I've been using Xcode in a hobbyist capacity for six months while I've been using IDEA professionally for four years.

Xcode simply feels like it belongs. It acts as a Mac app should act. AppCode doesn't; it's unpredictable, lacking in basic features like Counterparts, and still kicks me out to Xcode just long enough to remind me how much nicer Xcode is to work with. Code generation and refactoring is very pleasant to have but not as important as being comfortable to work in for hours at a stretch (and AppCode isn't worth the price just to employ it for a couple features for a hobby project).

Xcode makes me cry everytime i'm forced to use it (editing storyboards).

AppCode has such nice navigation and completion.

It all makes me wonder how on earth anyone could say they enjoy xcode.

I don't find AppCode's navigation superior to Xcode's for Objective-C and--at least the last time I tried the C++ extensions to AppCode--completion wasn't any better for C++ than Xcode's (which I figure is probably a clang limitation).

I very much like IDEA for Java or Scala, but I find myself frustrated when I use AppCode.

I always write my code in AppCode. When I'm modifying project settings, things like that, I switch to Xcode. However anytime I'm writing code, I switch back to AppCode.

this is so needed. i keep having to switch to eclipse (not that eclipse is bad these days, but it's annoying having paid for an ide...).

I would say Eclipse is still bad these days. Even after a decade.


Great--now when can we get decent font rendering for IDEA in Linux? The Swing rendering is horrible.

I had those with Android Studio. _Removing_ these lines from studio$ARCH.vmoptions fixes the font issues on Arch Linux:


As I understand it, this issue is around for a very long time. The irony is that many developers choose Eclipse over IDEA or Netbeans, because Eclipse is the only IDE of the major trio that doesn't have this problem.

When I ran IDEA on Linux before OSX, the AAHack plugin really helped with this.

Do you have a screenshot of this rendering?

Slightly off topic, the Pinterest-style layout (not horizontally-aligned) is annoying. It's difficult to read.

Other than that, congrats! IntelliJ is the only IDE that keeps surprising me in positive ways (like, "OMG, it can do that?")

EDIT: Arrgh, seriously it's difficult to read. Is there a list with conventional layout?

So I've never really understood how the products are differentiated from each other. If I bought Intellij IDEA, does that mean I can download free plugins to get the same functionality as PyCharm? Does PyCharm support Javascript? If I want to do Django and Javascript, do I need to buy IDEA?

> If I bought Intellij IDEA, does that mean I can download free plugins to get the same functionality as PyCharm?

Yup, pretty much yes.

> Does PyCharm support Javascript? If I want to do Django and Javascript, do I need to buy IDEA?

PyCharm does support js so you don't need IDEA unless you target jython.

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate brings you nearly all the feature that are available in the other version. PyCharm, WebStorm and others are cheaper but more focused on a single language.

as it was commented below IntelliJ IDEA includes almost the same support (mostly the same) for other languages (PHP/Ruby/Python) as other IntelliJ-based IDEs. But at the same time IntelliJ IDEA never was positioned as a "true" polyglot IDE. IntelliJ IDEA is Java platform IDE, in the first place. It does support other technologies via plugins though, it might be much more convenient to use dedicated IDEs for other technologies.

> Does PyCharm support Javascript?

Yes, to the point where I have edited in PyCharm even when I wasn't doing anything with Python, just for the JS features.

As I understand it, the plugins give the exact functionality that the more language-specific products offer. However they are typically one version behind. e.g. if RubyMine is on v6, the ruby plugin for IDEA will have equivalent features of RubyMine v5

IntelliJ IDEA is released once a year, and smaller IDEs are about twice a year. Because of this the plugins may miss some features for some time, that's true. But now, after the release of IntelliJ IDEA they will be updated with the latest Ruby, Python, PHP, etc. functionality

I think IntelliJ IDEA has all the features of the other IDE products. Stuff are just added/removed by default and adjusted towards Java development

I'm a recent convert. Most everything I do outside of Java development (C, Python, JavaScript) is in vim, but I just can't kick the IDE habit for Java dev. And then here comes IDEA making it even harder to quit! Being that I'm working on large codebases (GeoServer/GeoTools, and our own stuff), I'm really looking forward to the performance enhancements. I'm also very happy with the recent improvements to the IdeaVIM plugin. Still not quite as snappy as real vim, but it's getting closer with each release.

Also, it looks like their download servers are getting hit pretty hard at the moment (getting 30-60KiB/sec on a 100Mbit downstream link). I'll take that as a strong vote of confidence!

I had unrealistic expectations of this IDE... Some of the current enhancements are nice (Search anywhere, for example).. The favorite theme they tout (Darcula) is not yet upto Sublime's theme, IMO. Somehow it feels gratuitously helpful-- and I can't accuse it of getting in the way (an easy trap to fall into). When it came to Python, I could not stand Pycharm - which uses the kernel from the java Idea-IDE. (disclosure: when i code Python I use emacs, idle, or Wing Ide). So there is something in its DNA that I end up tolerating - but am not crazy about. edit: I ran away from eclipse - that atrocity, so Idea was a refugee camp.

There's definitely a difference between PyCharm and IDEA. I think it's that the code completion is psychic in IDEA, so I find myself writing about 1/3rd of each line and then hitting enter.

If anyone else is having symbol resolution / syntax highlighter problems with their Play 2.x / Scala / SBT project after upgrading: be sure to File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart...

http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SCL-6337 http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SCL-6338


Holy shit, there it is. Thanks, man.

On side note: you can see how they follow OS X patterns in filling blank space: then that cloth, now just dark texture (like notif center)

I'd love them to do a Mono / .NET IDE so that I wouldn't have to use Xamarin Studio on Linux / Mac anymore. Actually, I'm going to see if I can go put this on a wish list somewhere...

I actually own licenses for various JetBrains products, I just wished they'd introduce bundled pricing.

I've been using the EAP for a while now, and it's been a real improvement over 12. I'd totally pay for the upgrade...and a Go IDE (hint, hint)

Let them know. They already have a ticket [1] and more and more keep voting for a Go IDE or at least a supported plugin. Unfortunately the existing Go plugin broke during the 13 EAP, and last time I checked it still hasn't been updated.

[1] http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEABKL-5938

Have you looked at this? https://github.com/mtoader/google-go-lang-idea-plugin. I haven't tried it but it's being actively developed and the feature list looks good.

Go IDE +1

Add another for Golang

Offtopic, of course, but I'll post here anyway...

I've been meaning to post a bug report about this - I can't get conditional breakpoints to work with Grails debugging. Regular breakpoints, fine, but conditionals... I get an error that "'this' is not available" when it hits the breakpoint.

Searched around - can't find any other reports of this, but it's been a problem since at least IntelliJ 12, and in the 13 beta that I tried - I don't have 11 around any more, but I could swear it used to work.

EDIT: added bug report: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-117458 although it looks like it was reported and marked as 'fixed' in http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-100647. Still doesn't seem to work though.

I'll make sure the team is aware of your comment here.


My day to day would be significantly harder, less fun, and more frustrating without IntelliJ. Big thanks to the team for making such an incredible product.

No major updates for me in 13, but all the little things add up to a nice update.

I love and hate Eclipse/STS, but I don't think I will ever switch to IDEA, I love my freedom more. The least I can do for open source community is to use open source products and report bugs.

But their community versions are not usable for web development.

I use Visual Studio and IntelliJ IDEA for C# and Java development, respectively. I cannot fathom a scenario in which I would need an IDE for web development. Perhaps heavy PHP development would benefit from JetBrains PhpStorm IDE, a free version of which is available for open source projects.

The commercial JetBrain IDEs have lovely support for JavaScript, HTML, CSS, YAML, SASS, LESS, JSON, and so on. There's lots of stuff you're missing out on if you do web development with the Community Edition.

The IDEA Ultimate edition also supports lots of "enterprisey" stuff that the CE doesn't. Lots, of stuff.

Define "web development"? Isn't web development usually done in a programming language like other development? Sure, a lot of it these days may take place in JavaScript which seems designed from the ground up to avoid being helped by IDE's.

But in general: apart from the actual whacking out of html and css, "web development" is normally just software development. There is no difference in my need of autocomplete/intellisense/code navigation etc. when I do web things than when I do mobile/desktop/library or any other kind of development.

I guess most used part would be an integrated tomcat server that I could start and stop within IDE, other web development features would be to work well with popular frameworks like spring...

If you are a professional, why not use a professional tool?

You seem to be suggesting that professional coders don't use open source tools or that open source tools aren't professional?

Yeah, next thing you'll tell me that real developers use only Macbooks :)

Why the fck are you downvoting this? It was just a fcking opinion, if a tool makes you productive use it! A bunch of narrow minded people...

I didn't downvote you, but your tone came across as "closed source = sucks", which (I assume) some users disagree with.

It doesn't sound like "closed source = sucks" to me. It sounds like "I love open source, so I'd better support it", which is a great attitude.

I'm fairly neutral in this. I love open source, and I do believe in many cases, open source can be a lot better than closed source options (look at Apache httpd, many web frameworks, git, etc), but there may also be instances where closed source results in better software, and those developers deserve to make a living too.

I love open source, but I don't mind paying for quality when it really is better than the free version.

The most annoying thing about IntelliJ is the way it's keyboard shortcuts clash with virtually every keyboard shortcut of your average Linux distro. Other than that it's an awesome tool.

You can edit them to your heart's content though. I have never had an issue, but I use the "Default for XWin" setting. There are about a dozen other keymap templates available by default, though.

I use the defaults, and then set about removing all shortcuts from my desktop

Great update, but still no support for Java 7 only in OS X. :(

I take that you mean running IntelliJ under Java 7? JDK 7 and 8 work fine for development!

Exactly. I should've mentioned that. You can't run IDEA with only Oracle JRE 7. You need to install Apple's JRE 6 too.

there is IntelliJ IDEA distribution with bundled JDK 7 (replace ideaIU-13.dmg with ideaIU-13-jdk-bundled.dmg in download link) but it isn't recommended because of JDK related issues

I think it has to do with retina display support in the Oracle JRE 7.

I remember searching for retina display stuff in JDKs and saw a post from the people from JetBrains post differences between the JDK 6 from Apple and JDK 7 from Oracle. It was also a very informative post as well.

They did have RC builds that did, but those had some nasty bugs w.r.t. font rendering: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-117324

(Not really sure if it's Oracle's or JetBrains' fault)

There were lots of problems running IntelliJ 13 under JDK7 on the Mac, many of them related to focus. Popups appearing behind the main window, keystrokes going to the editor when a modal dialog is visible, that kind of thing. Also none of the key bindings that include the alt key worked. It definitely wasn't ready.

Works brilliantly with JDK6 though, I can't recommend it enough.

You can edit the Info.plist file (you probably already know this!) to get the IDE to launch under JDK 7 in OS X.

A recent EAP release actually had a bundled JDK 1.7 for OS X, although it seems the final version's download doesn't have it

this doesn't actually work. editing the plist doesn't do anything on IntelliJ 13 mac.

Are you sure? I just installed the community edition of IntelliJ 13 and changed the JVMVersion to 1.7* and IntelliJ is definitely running under the Oracle 1.7 JDK

I never thought I'd say it but it seems that they are getting close to the end of the line feature wise! Not a lot here that is making want to upgrade from 12...

I pay for every upgrade simply for the support. A few times a year I get stuck on something; mere minutes after filing a support ticket, I have a resolution. They've got this guy "Serge" who must be locked in a room somewhere doing support because he always solves my issues within minutes. Amazing.


Are you kidding, you need support for an IDE?

Look, Intellij is the Emacs of IDEs. If you've not used it you have no idea of its depth. I've written plugins [1] for it, so I'm not an idiot. I regularly use it for Java, Scala, Clojure and Ruby, so yeah, sometimes it's worth paying someone to sort out issues for you.

[1] https://github.com/armhold/wicket-source-intellij

Every software can have bugs.

At the office our jaws regularly drop at JetBrains' attention to detail, too. PHP development would be nightmare without their tools. If you're ever reading this, thank you guys very much.

The team is definitely reading this and thank you for your kind works.

RubyMine allowed me to learn Rails well and make a living for me and my family. Definitely the best $70 I've invested in my career. It literally changed my life by allowing me to make much more money as a Rails developer. Send my thanks to the RubyMine team! :)

The team wants to know if they can use this on our website :-)

Drop me a line at robert(dot)demmer[at]jetbrains(dot)com if you're willing.

I have passed your comment and this link along :-)

I vaguely recall a cross platform, clang integrating, c/c++ IDE was in the works? Any news?

IntelliJ is awesome :)

Glad to hear you're digging IntelliJ.

C/C++ IDE, try subscribe to preview: http://www.jetbrains.com/objc/features/cpp.html

PyCharm was my gateway drug into JetBrains. Actually, it was the ReSharper plug-in for Visual Studio. Now days, I won't consider running software that doesn't run on multiple platforms. So glad that JetBrains is delivering great IDEs for those bigger development efforts.

I vaguely remember programming small to large PHP sites with just sublime text... never again.

My impulsive purchase on the 21st December 2012 was the best thing I did that year.

Auto-completion of Maven GAV and full screen mode are two of the many small features they've added in this release that I've enjoyed. I've been using the EAP for a few months and can't really say what's different between 12 and 13 anymore, I've forgotten about 12, but I know I've been pleasantly surprised consistently enough to happily pay $99 for an upgrade.

it's the only software i pay for; i buy each version as insurance they don't go away.

The updated Gradle support and Presentation mode are my reasons for upgrading. This may be the last release for me as I am starting to use Go more instead of Java.

It seems that they have invested a lot in Android support this release. Still, there are some really nice other changes that increase productivity, such as lens mode, lambda/closure support for 'smart step into', and JAX-RS 2.0 support.

It's the refinement in every release that makes IntelliJ so great. That, plus their support of Kotlin, made upgrading to 13 (Ultimate) a no-brainer for me :).

IDEA is the one piece of software I buy that advertises "Faster performance!" with each new release...and actually delivers on it for me.

Not even close. Intellij is more of a platform than just a Java IDE these days. They're busy at work on Kotlin, and still have all the other languages and frameworks to work on.

Great job Jetbrains. Although I'm primarily a .NET ) developer (have resharper of course, I make sure to have the latest IDEA because it's such a great IDE

Yep. IntelliJ is an IDE and Platform. In regards to ReSharper... stay tuned for an awesome upcoming webinar in February, ReSharper Secrets w/Igal Tabachnik. We will announce here in January: blogs.jetbrains.com/dotnet/

Thanks for supporting Renderscript syntax highlighting.

Please add support for building Android projects with Renderscript source files. That's the last reason why I use ADT.

Just trying the Scala plugin now. I really want to leave Eclipse. I wonder if it will show me implicit conversions and parameters, and if will handle hairy stuff like macros. And does it use the presentation compiler like ScalaIDE/Eclipse? If not I'll be surprised if can handle macros. So far, so good though. Need to import a bigger project as a test...

It does highlight implicit conversions by default (they're underlined and have a light blue background colour). I don't think it does anything special w.r.t. macros, but I might be wrong.

As far as I know, they use their own compiler for highlighting type errors in the editor etc. and SBT for the "actual" compilation. The presentation compiler didn't exist when they started Scala support, so they rolled their own solution.

My tests so far are encouraging. I'd like to know their intent with Scala. That plugin seemed to go nowhere for years, and ScalaIDE/Eclipse looked like it would be the only option. But ScalaIDE is still pretty buggy. If they are committed to making Scala support as good as their Java stuff, that would be awesome.

I only tried macros with Play! and for the most part it handled the Json.as[T] macros but after a while It would produce a deadlock and start dumping the stack. I got around it by providing some type hints so it wasn't a big of an issue. Hopefully the fixed that.

Anyone know how to use the new Scala plugin with sbt (tutotial link)? I've imported my sbt project, but it doesn't work.

I've been using IntelliJ IDEA for many years (coming from C++ in EMACS), and it truly made me more productive: http://henrikwarne.com/2012/06/17/programmer-productivity-em...

Besides IDEA what else have you used as a real IDE?

I haven't used any other IDEs really, so it is possible there are even better IDEs, but the step from Emacs to IDEA was huge (but of course it was also a switch from C++ to Java).

Editor-wise it's Emacs and Vim (for the past year or so).

What's your experience with IDEs?

My thought was that any IDE would've made you more productive imho. That's the point of an IDE to give you as much possible so you could focus on your tasks...

True story: Before Intellij, I was working for a client whose IDE standard was VisualCafe. I hated it so much and kept interfering with what I was doing that I actually reverted to Notepad and building/testing via command line.

Not all IDEs can make you more productive.

How much is it? If I had the version 12, that I bought recently, do I need to pay for the new version to upgrade?

From what I understand, starting with V13 personal licenses will include 1 year free upgrades. I thought V12 licenses younger than 1 year will work with V13, but that's not the case. I like the IDE, but I will stick with v12 for now.

1 year of updates not upgrades. Otherwise you'd only "need" to buy an upgrade every other year.

In the article linked it says "Both personal and commercial licenses now include 1-year upgrade subscription. For more information on the new pricing and licensing options for IntelliJ IDEA, please visit ..."

Go to the Upgrade link: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/buy/index.jsp

It will ask you for your license key when you click the upgrade now and send you the info over email.

It seems to be 180 EUR for new developers.

It's a great IDE and totally worth the money.

Excluding VAT. But, it's well worth the money if you are doing JVM development daily.

Besides that, the community edition is a good place to start if you do not need J2EE, servlet container support, etc.

So, Android is supported in IDEA now? Nice.

It is kind of annoying having two IDEs, one for Android development and one for everything else.

Edit: Badly worded. What I meant to say are the Android Studio improvements and updates are now in Ultimate, which is nice.

It's been supported "forever". I used it even before Android Studio, simply because it was better than the official Eclipse stuff.

IDEA's done Android for years now. And now it's the basis of Google's Android Studio.

IntelliJ IDEA is the base for Android Studio, the new IDE for Android developers.

Read all about it: http://blog.jetbrains.com/blog/2013/05/15/intellij-idea-is-t...

Badly worded on my part. What I meant was that Android Studio updates are now included in Ultimate since it was based on version 13, which is nice.

IMO, Android Studio is still far behind IDEA 12. There are some new features in AS, but IDEA is far more stable.

I've been doing Android programming on IDEA 12. Aside from missing some of the Android Lint checks (which are apparently improved in 13), I've had no issues.

Still no support for projects on UNC paths, so not terribly useful for those forced to use folder remapping in Windows. I'd love to switch our students away from Eclipse, but without UNC support it can't happen.

You can't code on a folder on the desktop, and copy it off to network drive when done? Or better yet, push up to a git repo?

can't you map UNC paths to virtual local mount points? like \\server\blah\foo to C:\projects\foo

Anyone else also have this problem? When I try to start IntelliJ 13 on OS X, I get this in system.log:

Dec 3 18:21:12 tk com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[281] (com.jetbrains.intellij.61632[52967]): Exited with code: 1

I won't use it... It has so many bugs when I using android UI design tool. These bugs are annoying me.

I'll use version 12 when version 13 is stable.

Awesome! The only thing that I am really wanting is multi key timeouts in the ideavim plugin. So you can have jj remap to Esc in insert mode.

If you haven't already, it might be a good idea to vote for that feature: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/VIM-448 and http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/VIM-518

Have you ever remapped Esc to Cap Lock?

Even in community (free, open source) edition you can use the Haxe plugin, which will allow you to work with latest (3.0) Haxe version.

Looking at Spring request mappings is the last thing I could do in Eclipse that I couldn't do in IntelliJ.

I got a free upgrade license since my purchase date is so close to the release date :D. JetBrains is awesome!

Hopefully this might display a little better than IJ12 does with HiDPI in windows. It currently looks awful..

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