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"Now, retrieving 48 individual records one by one is sort of silly, becase you could easily construct a single where Id in (1,2,3..,47,48) query that would grab all 48 posts in one go. But even if we did it in this naive way, the total execution time is still a very reasonable (48 * 3 ms) + 260 ms = 404 ms. That is half the time of the standard select-star SQL emitted by LINQ to SQL!"

His "naive way" is the 48 individual SELECTs, and he's claiming that that's faster than one SELECT (star).

His point about SQL vs. LINQ may or may not be valid --- I don't know since I don't use LINQ --- but his argument and measurements are certainly flawed.

The nice thing about software such as a database is that, if you spend enough time, it's not some magical black box. If you read some books and papers or go to school or read some source code then you can actually have an understanding of what goes on "under the hood" and you don't have to resort to voodoo measurements. So, if you know something about RDMBSs, you know that once a query retrieves some rows from disk they're cached, so any queries issued shortly after will be served from memory. This is probably what happened here, since 3ms is less than the disks' seek time, not counting networking and processing overhead...

If you're absolutely unwilling to learn something about how a software works and feel compelled to measure it, then at least create meaningful measurements, including averages, medians, deviations, plots...

As a final note, as a developer who's startup is writing a soon-to-be-released high-performance replicated key-value store, if their site is such that performance matters, then these are exactly the type of queries that could be offloaded to some key-value store or even memcached and recomputed asynchronously in the background every minute.

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