"Another point it that Earth will also survive us... So in the long run, Life as a entity is mostly safe. We are just going to be another event of mass extinction in the history of this planet. Evolution must be so proud "
A couple of million years is piss from the planets point of view. And in those millions of years we will evolve (despite what certain religions say). Even the mass extinction of the dinosaurs resulted in birds (among other things). We are all part of this world. And life goes on. No matter what.
The question is what will our impact have on a future us? What will life be like say in 10,000 years? Hell, even 5,000 years?
> "And in those millions of years we will evolve (despite what certain religions say)."
It is possible that we will do much more than just evolve. Normally organisms change over extremely long periods of time through 'natural' processes but humans uniquely have insight into the mechanism of how this happens. We may, in the future, develop the ability (and desire) to take things into our own hands.
Just starting it out nice and slow, we could 'finish the job' in a few cases. Knock out wisdom teeth once and for all (somewhere between 9 and 30% of people are missing some or all of them anyway). No real reason to wait around a few dozens to hundreds of thousands of years for those to finish disappearing if we can do it ourselves.
A couple of million years is piss from the planets point of view. And in those millions of years we will evolve (despite what certain religions say). Even the mass extinction of the dinosaurs resulted in birds (among other things). We are all part of this world. And life goes on. No matter what.
The question is what will our impact have on a future us? What will life be like say in 10,000 years? Hell, even 5,000 years?