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How about this....

Every Senator or Congressman that votes to continue this Metadata BS program release all of THEIR Metadata. If you have nothing to hide why not release all of the following:

Every Phone number they called in the past 5 years with a date and time-stamp attached from their Home, Office and Cell numbers.

Every email-recipient they ever sent e-mail to in the past 5 years from all their addresses - personal address, Official address etc

Every website visited from their Home IP, Smart phone, Office and desk computer.

IF even ONE of the 535 US esteemed legislators in both houses agrees to this...lets say that Swine would be airborne in record numbers.

> this Metadata BS program

It's not just metadata, they collect full audio & text content as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_641A

Another one of my conspiracy posts: former FBI counterrorism agent Tim Clemente saying the "all digital communications are recorded and stored" and "no digital communication is secure" (he was trying to convince everyone that the government had the Boston Bombing investigation under control)

http://blog.rubbingalcoholic.com/post/52913031241/its-not-ju... (watch the video)

Video of Shia Labeouf saying that an FBI consultant played a recording of one of his phone calls from 2 years prior to working on a film in 2008: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ux1hpLvqMw

And here we are 7 years after one of his voice calls was recorded.

How is that the same at all? The NSA presumably already has all of that info. The Senators who are saying "I trust the NSA with my data" are trusting the NSA with their data. That doesn't mean they want everybody to know their metadata.

How about the President release his college transcripts? "Most transparent administration in history"...

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