What's funny to me is this guy is clearly talented. I laughed my ass off, but even in his rush to create total garbage, you can still see his sense of space and weight creeping in.
God, click on on the testimonials and look at some of those logos, so funny.
There's a cement mixer truck driving around London somewhere with "Jim'll Mix It" written in cartoony writing on the side. I cringe every time I've seen it since the scandal - and I keep wondering if they'll ever change it!
On a serious note though, this would be an excellent way to get cheap concepts for a logo. Buy the dude 4 beers for the same logo and get someone that uses Photoshop well to digitize it properly.
...and get someone that uses Photoshop well to
digitize it properly.
Eh, from what I can gather Horrible Logos Guy seems to possess actual graphic design talent, and would likely be more than capable of properly digitizing any given logo. He actually offers high-res copies in exchange for larger quantities of beer, if you dig deeper into the site.
I'd surmise that Horrible Logos Guy could probably create good logos, but chooses not to, because shitty logos are much more fulfilling to create.
Case in point:
The logo he did for "Get Off My Lawn Records" is recognizable as the face of an old hobo from a picture on a greeting card I've seen 1,000 times at stores like Spencer Gifts. In the picture, the hobo is giving the middle finger, and the card usually says something like "happy birthday, go fuck yourself."
The fact that he sketched that up in like ten minutes, and that it's recognizable to me, tells me that he has enough artistic talent to source decent photo reference, and trace a crude drawing over it, while staying within the bounds of fair use, and (as advertised) not seriously developing a commercially usable logo. Thus, artistic talent.
I'd actually use a lot of these logos for the types of companies that they're for, even just as-is. The drawn look lends a lot of authenticity and fun.
That said, the concepts themselves are straight up usually good. I'd say he has a 60-70% decent rate here. Not horrible!
He has done 14,300 in three years (at $10+ per). Cat guy is of course treating it more like a business, and likely has a broader appeal (cats / pets vs logos).
God, click on on the testimonials and look at some of those logos, so funny.