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That's not the entire picture though. I mean, regarding "techno libertarian" types, that could be part of it. But regarding Libertarians in general, it's not about knowing more than everybody else (I for one freely acknowledge than plenty of people know more about plenty of things, than I do), but rather the principle of being free to make choices - even bad ones. Freedom from the use of aggressive / coercive force, is it's own end, to Libertarians.

Even IF the use of that force would be to prevent me from making a bad choice, it's still wrong. Outside of economic arguments which are largely rooted in the Austrian School, that is the mindset that defines Libertarianism.

Now, as it happens, I will argue that, in many, many case, I do "know better", regarding things that pertain spefically to me. And that may be a bit of conceit, and that conceit is probably common to many Libertarians and is probably the essence of your statement above. But I would be a Libertarian whether or not that was the case.

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