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Preaching 'College is a waste of time' and dropping out of college makes you a Facebook founder, isn't healthy! If you are studying Computer Science, you need to learn Artificial Intelligence or Architecture design, you cannot say it has no relevance to the industry. It does, and it helps to shape up a young mind to look at the BIG picture. YCombi is great, but how can you replace that for College education? Its narrow in scope.

I'm a 4th year CS major. During the second year, I seriously reconsidered changing majors. I felt CS "wasn't enough programming", and therefore not relevant to my future.

However, I stuck to it. It's only recently that I've discovered that all that set theory, automata theory, and architecture theory has actually made me a much better programmer than I would have been otherwise.

On the other hand, a CS major alone will not make you a good programmer. You must also program in your spare time, continuously, constantly learning, whether it be work or personal projects.

Agreed. Industry experience is great for developing practical knowledge, but it's not as good for (and often encourages against) developing theoretical knowledge. Is graph theory something you'll learn on the job?

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