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> Do you think Lessig's deleted comment represented trollish complaining?


While the user probably has a real complaint, instead of voicing their problem and making a reasonable complaint, the comment resorts to long-winded, over-the-top, trollish melodrama. Let's look at it:

"enter a Brave New World where huge monolithic companies such as yourself[...]"

"your untested 7.0ios system"

"you have become the Goliath of the tech industry"

"I will be the first one inline if someone with some money or some lawyer who had this happen to them to be a part of a civil action lawsuit against you"

And more similar threats and accusations.

The user is literally making false assertions of iOS 7 being untested, attempting to smear Apple as a science fiction villainous corporation and threatening legal action.

It would be fair to consider the whole comment trolling and Lessig drawing attention to it seems like little more than click bait aimed at people that already want to tar and feather Apple – it certainly has nothing to do with the actual WiFi support issues at hand (remember: this was posted to a support forum and they didn't delete the whole thread on the topic, just this comment).

I have great respect for Lawrence Lessig but I think he's fanning flame wars here.

enter a Brave New World where huge monolithic companies such as yourself

When did Lessig ever post that on the Apple forum?

Lessig's deleted post is detailed here: http://lessig.tumblr.com/post/65338904338/wow-or-from-the-wh...

Grandparent is talking about the post linked to by Lessig in this thread's linked article. Others are variously talking about that and/or the actual post(s) by Lessig you've linked to directly here.

Seems many people are focused on the one post that mentions law suits and using that to justify post deletion. But there are several other quite resonible posts that have been deleted as well.

Every post that people have brought up seems like it fails the basic rules of the forum:


Lessig claims to be astonished that his post was removed but his post was a repost of a post that was removed. Does that even make sense to anyone? Now Lessig is back with another example, the one being skewered in this thread for multiple reasons, not just the threat of lawsuits.

That's completely untrue. Providing information that you can solve your problems under warranty is helpful, constructive, factual, and a fix to the specific technical problem under discussion. It meets every point Apple cites as the characteristics of a proper forum post, unless of course it is impolite to criticize.

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