I can't fathom who thought these things were a good idea. I see people "smoking" these things everywhere: on the bus, on the train, at the effing university during classes!
I don't care if it's just steam, I don't want it in my face.
I can't believe people don't get this.
> I can't fathom who thought these things were a good idea.
The millions of people who have quit tobacco because of them, for one example.
> I don't care if it's just steam, I don't want it in my face.
On behalf of the decent people in the vaping community, I'm sorry that you have to put up with people like that. There's a big movement in the community at the moment to severely discourage people from using them in inappropriate places like restaurants or around people who are disturbed by it.
However, I think that this problem can be solved by awareness raising alone. It's too risky for the sake of public health to ban them in certain places or outright.
If you come across someone doing this and you don't like it, tell them that propylene glycol vapor irritates you and ask them to avoid making clouds. Holding in the vapor for more than 5 seconds usually means that none at all will be expelled when they exhale. This is what I, and many others, do if we ever vape on public transport etc., which I try to avoid anyway.
Thats just it, most e-cig users will be fine with holding it in. As an ex cigarette smoker, I am still not ok with doing it openly in public spaces (movie theater, restaurant, etc.). However, if I feel that all too familiar feeling and going outside is an inconvenience, Ill take a drag, and just hold it.
Exactly. I do not care what chemicals someone wants to put in his or her body but I care very strongly what chemicals and odors are around mine. The county where I live bans indoor e-cig and vaporizer consumption in the same places where cigarette smoking would be banned, such as inside office buildings, yet my coworkers simply do not care. This goes double for the bus or train stop where I have no choice; if I want or need to take that bus/train, I must stand _right_ _freaking_ _there_. When a couple of "vapers" (that's honestly the name I've heard people at work call themselves when they are partaking) are there and combined with another one to three people smoking "real" cigarettes, it gets quite hazy and uncomfortable.
I wish people would stop sneezing, coughing, stinking, wearing perfume etc in public but we can't have everything our own way when we interact with other people.
People tap-tap-tapping at their fucking phones gets the same reaction from me. Of course it's irrational for me to feel this way, so I've learned to ignore it.
I am extraordinarily allergic to the glycol in e-cigs. Just a few seconds of exposure is enough to send me into anaphylaxis. I am pretty sure somebody tapping away on their phone wont kill you.
If you're allergic to propylene glycol then you're allergic to pretty much everything.
That same propylene glycol is used in cakes/cupcakes, frostings, many ice creams, beers (as a foaming agent), some coffees, candy, many salad dressings, flavoured coffees, dried fruits, some brands of milk, many beauty products (makeup, shampoo, soaps)...
There are a lot more people with peanut allergies and we don't ban people from eating products containing peanuts anywhere in public. Why is this case different?
People wear perfume. Some people are allergic to perfume. So what. At some point it's the person with the allergy's responsibility to manage their immune response through medical treatment.
I assume you are also allergic to hospital wards, which maintain a concentration of vaporized propylene glycol in their HVAC systems to prevent cross-infection?
Yeah, I too despise the militant glee people derive from using them everywhere. I also hate the enormous numbers of tacky shops ('MyCiggy'... jeez) appearing to flog them, which seem single-handedly to be propping up the Guild of Bad Typographers.
I don't care if it's just steam, I don't want it in my face. I can't believe people don't get this.