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Seriously, while I feel for you, get the facts. There is no evidence linking autism to vaccines. While dosing frequency has increased, dosing volume has decreased. Not only that, even if you are right, a lot more kids would die from the vaccinated diseases if we lose herd immunity as a whole.

Don't you find it the least bit suspicious that the only people who "figured out" this mystery are quacks with books and supplements to sell? Isn't it much more likely to be caused by our terrible food, chemical-laced water or other modern issues like proximity to high-strength EM?

For your information, the government recently legally conceded a case of autism-vaccine connection where the parents (both medical professionals) had a perfect record of their daughter's medical history.

Keep down-voting me; but if you have a kid, please, please investigate this before you accept conventional wisdom.

I know both sides. I have a friend who is one of the greatest proponents of alternative medicine treatments of autism. Both my children have been vaccinated.


I shouldn't have to explain how a legal ruling doesn't equal evidence. Scientific proof is demonstrated using repeatable studies, which have been done. Go look them up.

There is no validated mechanism by which vaccines cause autism. At the moment, my money would be on things like genes (highly likely) or environmental contaminants. But, it's just speculation. We just don't know at the moment. This may be hard to accept as a parent, but it's the reality.

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