Yeah his reviews are very good. I do feel it would be nice to have a bit of a comparison section at the end though, to discuss some of the more technical details within the operating system landscape. For example timer coalescing/race to sleep is something I know Windows 8 has and I assume Linux, and the App Nap sounds like a more advanced version of the Metro tombstoning, and I think Linux can do memory compression but Sprite Kit sounds rather unrivalled by first parties. I would love to have his views on it all.
Seriously? Thank your lucky stars you were born in the correct generation. You used to have to read a page of text just to get advertised to.
For the last OS I loaded it up on my iPad and then took it with me for a weekend, reading it whenever I had downtime (we were doing a lot of shopping so there was a lot of downtime).
Managed to finish it up by Sunday. I'll probably do the same this time.
Easy install on my ML 2011 iMac i5 6970GPU system.
Initial impression, scrolling certainly feels better. Do wish they would leave my desktop background to what I had it set to. Other than that, being an OS upgrade where I don't notice anything odd is key to my satisfaction.
5+ gig download, took about forty minutes, somewhat less I think as I walked off, to install.
That's strange - my desktop background wasn't changed by the install. Perhaps you were using a ML-included desktop image that was removed in Mavericks?
After downloading, it took roughly 20 mins to install.