"Unlike traditional relational databases, the Datastore uses a distributed architecture to automatically manage scaling to very large data sets. ..
Datastore reads scale because the only queries supported are those whose performance scales with the size of the result set (as opposed to the data set). This means that a query whose result set contains 100 entities performs the same whether it searches over a hundred entities or a million. This property is the key reason some types of queries are not supported."
"You should be aware that Cloud Datastore has a serving component that runs on Google App Engine, so there will be instance hour costs."
It is only after reading this bit that I went, d'oh, this is the same Datastore that you use on App Engine, abstracted and factored out. So basically you don't need your app to run on App Engine to use it anymore -- this is what the noise is about. Got it. Sheesh could have just said that. :)
The most comparable thing seems to be providers of Big Ass CouchDB in the cloud like: https://cloudant.com/
It's because that URL erroneously has the left-to-right control character[1] at the end, which encodes as https://cloudant.com/%E2%80%8E - a missing page on that website.
These links are much more informative:
"Unlike traditional relational databases, the Datastore uses a distributed architecture to automatically manage scaling to very large data sets. ..
Datastore reads scale because the only queries supported are those whose performance scales with the size of the result set (as opposed to the data set). This means that a query whose result set contains 100 entities performs the same whether it searches over a hundred entities or a million. This property is the key reason some types of queries are not supported."
"You should be aware that Cloud Datastore has a serving component that runs on Google App Engine, so there will be instance hour costs."
It is only after reading this bit that I went, d'oh, this is the same Datastore that you use on App Engine, abstracted and factored out. So basically you don't need your app to run on App Engine to use it anymore -- this is what the noise is about. Got it. Sheesh could have just said that. :)
The most comparable thing seems to be providers of Big Ass CouchDB in the cloud like: https://cloudant.com/