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actually make sure your temps are correct - take a look at this : http://jonls.dk/redshift/#comment-1013535899

I'm on 12.04, so I'm sure I dont have a patched redshift.

Oh wow, wonderful discussion :) I recently got a bit more understanding of colour spaces and colour temperature[0] and this is good reading.

So how about that patents and innovation? If f.lux was somehow patented they couldn't do this, two people collaborating like this to make colour temperature adjustment even more accurate.

Isn't the point of patents to protect investment in research or something? What does it say the investment if two people are perfectly willing to do this research for free :)

[0] the articles on http://scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-lessons/ have been the clearest explanation on CIE and sRGB and where that horseshoe shape comes from and all those things. they also got a really great explanation of colour temp and black body radiation

Thanks for the link.

Actually I experimented to find the ‘temperatures’ that looked the best with my monitor. Now I understand why I had to use that method.

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