It's cool that got some news coverage. It's also funny how lame traditional news coverage is. Do they always have to talk in that "newscaster voice?" How do people stand to watch traditional news coverage?
Their chuckles at the end about how is Justin's "job" made me laugh. They seemed kind of small-minded about the potential of what is doing. People might be missing the point of it's an inexpensive platform for live video broadcast... which is pretty cool!
I'm pretty impressed with the amount of coverage is gaining. If anything else if worse comes to worse and they don't make it big. This will be a precursor for start ups to build a platform from. But yeah I know I said it might be a waste of time but I think I'll be eating those words soon enough!
Their chuckles at the end about how is Justin's "job" made me laugh. They seemed kind of small-minded about the potential of what is doing. People might be missing the point of it's an inexpensive platform for live video broadcast... which is pretty cool!