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>On page 107-108, the court has this to say about a loss of trust from Lavabit's customers, in the event that Lavabit hands over its SSL keys: "Any resulting loss of customer "trust" is not an "unreasonable" burden"

This is one of the reasons why I have literally no respect for the US court, USG's supposed authority. They are all corrupt, lying, authoritarian asshats.

According to one of Sibel Edmonds recent sources, the majority of them are selected largely based on their corruptibility (if they are clean, they are removed from the selection pool).

sort-of-OT Rant:

I have to say that while I have been on HN for several years - and it is the best community online. I am farking inspired with how aware and awesomethe community on HN has revealed itself to be in light of the NSA debacle.

Even when we get into debates, like I do with TCPTACEK, the level of sober awareness of the implications of the techno-spy world we live in, the background and historical context (whereby many HNers were already aware of telco spying, Echelon, Carnivore, etc) the userbase has here is certainly terrific.

I am heartened by the fact that seemingly so many HNers are awake, aware and informed on whats really happening around us. I hope we can find a way to affect change together.

Just now saw this comment. I have also been discovering the beauty of individual thinkers blogs, in addition to HN (for example, Bruce Schneier's blog is one of my favorites). I'm a fairly recent daily HN reader who has moved from reddit, and am continually thinking about how communication on the net still has a lot of room to improve quality, but am enjoying the atmosphere here quite a lot.

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