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Hmm, it's scary how much this affects us.

We can't push latest bugfix to GitHub. Azure cannot deploy it. I cannot run bower_install on the project I would be working on in the meantime.

And here we all are, using "git", a "decentralised" source code management tool.

If the network doesn't permit decentralized networking, then decentralized tools don't matter.


You can always push to GitHub and your own private repo, then deploy from that private repo.

Well then you have learned not to deploy from github, get an AWS micro instance which you can also push to and deploy from that or many other possibilies that a Dcvs gives you.

Yeah, as interesting as all these new Docker fads are, it's not ideal when you can't update your containers.

On the plus side, I get to email my project manager. Sorry github is down can't do work! "Compiling" :D

Keeping code in sync with your colleagues should not be a major problem, given how you should be able to sync with each other (distributed CVS, etc). Azure... I don't know how that works. Heroku would work without github being online, since you'd push to github - maybe that'd be an idea?

bower_install is annoying, yeah; it should allow for a backup location (s) to resolve dependencies. Maven allows people to configure multiple repositories, which are often mirrored against each other while hosted by vastly different parties; if one repo mirror is offline, there's a dozen others available, in a lot of cases.

For those components, github is a single point of failure.

inb4 "GIT is distributed".

While GIT is distributed, working collaboratively with others still requires a central platform where everybody working on that GIT repo can connect. GitHub is a very convenient central platform.

To GITs credit; you can, with a little server know-how, set up your own git server and give all previous contributors access. However for a small downtime this could be overkill.

Very little server know-how, to be exact. All you need is an ssh account with each team members key added to `.ssh`

you don't need server know how, you can just use another of the available git hosting (e.g. bitbucket)

And even if you don't want to use a dedicate git hosting service, good site hosting platforms (Webfaction) make it incredibly easy to install a git server.

You can even spin up gitlab from turnkeylinux in a few minutes or so wherever you want it.

Git is not an acronym.

Why capitalize git?

Must be my manager.

I agree. I can't install/update plugins for Vim using Vundle.

I heard that Go language can import packages directly from GitHub. So it means that they can't compile?

That's right, it also supports importing from Google Code.

is it possible to add 'mirror' remotes to git so every action takes place on two places in case one goes down?

I've done something like this before with github/bitbucket and it worked as expected. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849308/pull-push-from-mul...

You probably should reconsider the choice of your tools. I certainly would.

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