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He's only received $50,000 so far, which seems pretty low to me for such an important case like this. If you can't/won't participate in protests against the mass surveillance and privacy abuses of the government, then at least consider supporting those that fight for our 1st Amendment, 4th Amendment, and human right to privacy, like Ladar Levinson does:


Can't upvote this enough.

This is a real opportunity to fight for user privacy and support the only company that openly defied the government's unconstitutional demands. A virtue we all longed for just a couple of months ago at the height of the NSA scandal. But here it is now and instead we see comments picking on Lavabit and questioning their moral qualities...

People just can't get past character debate. Bickering while their rights are gradually stripped off under their noses.

Donated. This is serious.

While I agree he needs more money, it's not like he's going to have to pay $800/hr to get the world's best lawyers on his team. Since he appears to be the poster child for a test case on this, I think the money will mostly only need to be spent on expenses (travel, etc.), vs. lawyer time, and there will probably be in-kind donations of services.

Lader is the kind of person you want to bring to a case before SCOTUS, not weev.

You will be surprised how many hours can be logged by lawyers. They live and breath billing hours.

Yes, but the top lawyers in the field can do this pro bono, because it's a good case (or it could be paid directly by other organizations, using staff attorneys).

If people won't get off their asses for whatever reason to fight for our rights, at least help out someone that will. Donated.

While I understand the rationale, I'm surprised to have seen the goal set at $40k, then $30k, and now at $96k.

Why surprised? If you can understand the rationale, surely you can understand scope changes.

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