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Breaking Bad as a Metaphor for Entrepreneurship Gone Wrong (replyall.me)
6 points by zabramow on Sept 29, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This website has some kind of moderated comment system, and if anyone else is reading this I'm interested in their opinions anyway, so I'm going to re-paste my comment here.


I'm loving the premise, but it doesn't seem like you are motivating at the end that the motivation is selfish vs. simply misguided; in fact, it isn't even entirely clear to me that his motivation is wrong even in his own head, given that a lot of what got him into the situation in the first place was the idea that he had limited time and thereby his life wasn't even important anymore. Please: do say more.

Btw, responded to your comment on the site, getting some great replies from the audience including yours!


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