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Show HN: Simple Bootstrap 3 Form Builder (webnotes.github.io)
39 points by peedy on Sept 26, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

This is great, although a small part of me can't help but remember that we used to be able to do this kind of thing in Visual Basic in the early 90s (and I don't doubt that someone will trump me with an example from a decade earlier at least). Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, I guess.

If memory serves me correctly rBase could so something similar in the late eighties.

Seems pretty cool - one thing I've been really wanting is a way to build up forms from within JavaScript (perhaps cached? Who knows...)

Basically I'm currently serving AngularJS partials using Django's templating, simply because django-crispy-forms (with some patches) can generate perfect bootstrap/foundation forms for me. It would be nice to move to perfectly flat templates, but having to copy/paste form elements just seems ludicrous.

There's also the added benefit that Django's forms (and Django REST's serializers) greatly simplify dealing with data gotten from HTTP requests, but still.

How do other people work with forms in their client-side apps?

(Shameless plug)

My version of the same thing: https://github.com/dobtco/formbuilder

That is really slick. I think I'll try using it.

Any chance of it dumping out the HTML for me? Also a email/password confirmation field would be useful.

Similar -> Bootstrap 3 Grid Builder http://jaykanakiya.com/bootstrap-grid-builder/

Very cool. I would feel a lot more comfortable using it if the iMac didn't have the camera light on :)

Great job! Looking forward to other similar tools that people will be posting here - My FED skills are just horrendous, even with Bootstrap. Thanks for sharing!

Nice proof of concept.

One bug I noticed: Accidentally clicking the submit button when trying to drag it will submit a form and cause you to lose your work.

Yep, the button is inside a form for some reason. Changing the form to a div fixes the problem.

Oddly enough, clicking the button placed in the right pane doesn't do this because it isn't inside a form. Strange that there's a form on the left but not on the right.

Pretty neat, but where is the textarea?

Would like to be able to edit the labels without messing with the HTML.

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