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Was Cloudup a spin-off servic? LearnBoost still seems to be available (https://www.learnboost.com/)

IIRC, they were going to keep LearnBoost running but without continued development on it. I wonder what the acquisition means for LearnBoost though - did Automattic acquire that as well, and if so, what will they do with it?

Just noticed a blog post regarding the announcement on learnboost.com (https://www.learnboost.com/blog/learnboost-automattic/). They mention "LearnBoost’s amazing classroom software will not be changing, and the entire suite of apps will remain free. Aside from ramping up performance enhancements, you’ll enjoy all the wonderful, free services that you’ve come to love. For the most part, it’s business as usual, but we’re excited to have more manpower behind scaling our infrastructure to make sure LearnBoost remains lightning fast and reliable."

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