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Nodeschool.io (nodeschool.io)
214 points by co_pl_te on Sept 17, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 27 comments

Ok, this is GREAT. It's clear you put a lot of work into this, or maybe the NPM installation is making it look bigger than it is, particularly with the stream-adventure.

FYI, the stream-adventure spit out some error codes involving Darwin, but it seems to have installed with no issue.

I feel like I know Node decently well, but I think this will be a great way to stay sharp and commit more of what I know to memory vs. constantly referencing my old code.

The fact that you've created a tool which requires no internet connection or browser to use is fucking fantastic BTW. I love being able to go somewhere quiet, internet or not, and just dig into something. Turning off the WiFi just helps ensure there are no distractions.

Thank you!

Some of the levels in stream-adventure still need a connection since you need to install modules (if you don't have them already). Otherwise this was a great way to learn!

I actually came across this last night and completed the entire stream-adventure. It was significantly more fun than I ever would have imagined. I wanted to write my solutions in coffeescript so I forked it[0] and enabled coffeescript support if anyone is interested.

[0] https://github.com/switz/stream-adventure

PR: https://github.com/substack/stream-adventure/pull/18

I'm glad it's consumed on the command line instead of a web interface. Very nice work.

As a beginning programmer, what would I need to know before attempting this? Javascript?

Max Ogden, one of the contributors to Nodeschool.io, has an excellent tutorial on getting comfortable with Javascript.


CodeSchool recently released a free introduction to JavaScript: http://www.codeschool.com/courses/javascript-road-trip-part-...

This would be a great place to start.

It's too basic, it doesn't even cover loops, functions or arrays, but thanks for the suggestion! I already know some javascript, I was just asking if that is enough knowledge for learning node or if I need to know about MVC concepts, networking, etc... which I don't.

Oh, yeah jump right in! Worst case scenario, you learn a few new things.

Will catch up on a MOOC I'm doing and then will definitely jump into this.

Looking forward to trying this out! Node is one of those things (well, probably Javascript in general) that I have learned through use but have never really followed a proper training path to understand it from the ground up. While I can't imagine that this is will be exactly that for me, it does seem like something that could help some of my (admittedly wide) gaps in knowledge about Node.JS.

This looks absolutely fantastic and the fact it's on my own desktop means I can use my own tools etc. It seems really well crafted and i'm really looking forward to learning some Node.

very nice work. the logo reminds me of james halliday's art -- did he make it?

Yeh this is Substack, I have seen this design and concept evolve over the course of several nodeconf's and jsconf's.

This looks like a great resource. Are there any other links people can suggest along the same lines? I know of Codeschool and Codeacademy so far.

Treehouse is good but costs $25/month.

I'm still very new to Node and this has been a great resource ! It's very fun and engaging and I love that it doesn't hold your hand through the whole process. Great job!

This is just awesome. Right way of getting streams into your head. In just a day, I could complete the first two tutorials and I feel more comfortable.


This is awesome, it's like an open source CodeSchool. I'm already learning a ton from the "Stream Adventure" lesson.

Off topic, but this is the first time on HN where I have seen unanimously positive comments. This must be good.

This tool is amazing. For those who have trouble installing, try using sudo. It helped me.

You should really know why using sudo fixes your problems before using it imo. Otherwise you might find your system in an irreparable state one day.

I don't know for sure but I think it's because I used brew to install node and npm. When installing, brew picks a different path, which sometimes causes problems.

This is a great starting point. Nicely done! Just hope new lessons pop up regularly.

Awesome, thank you very much for the effort.

I read nudeschool.io haha

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